Watching the Friday the 13th movies in order isn't a difficult task, though the timeline of events can be confusing as, while all the movies do revolve around the titular day, not all of them give a year for when the events take place. The chronological order of the Friday the 13th mo...
Every Friday The 13th Movie (In Chronological Order) All 12 Friday The 13th Movies, Ranked Jason Voorhees' Friendship with Leatherface Recontextualizes Why Jason Kills in the Friday the 13th Movies ByJoe Anthony Myrick 2 days ago Jason Voorhees' Father Never Appears in the Movies - But He Does...
I’m not judging here. I like a lot of bad movies. I still like these movies, more or less. Several years ago, after having not watched any of theFriday the 13thfilms in a long time, I decided to watch them all in chronological order. It took me abo...
Not my favorite installment in the FRIDAY THE 13TH series, but possessing some of the coolest moments in the franchise is FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 7: THE NEW BLOOD. After bringing Jason back to life in the previous entry (which I’ll be covering next Fri 13), in order to inject some new ...