Jason Voorhees is the main antagonist of the Friday the 13th film series, created by Victor Miller, Ron Kurz, and Sean S. Cunningham. He is known for wearing a hockey mask to cover his face and wielding a machete as his weapon of choice, and is notorious for being a serial killer moti...
Friday the 13th: Church of the Divine Psychopath Friday the 13th: Hell Lake Friday the 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain Friday the 13th: Carnival of Maniacs
Some people don't even think about the day and what could happen on an "unlucky" Friday the 13th. If you are one of those people who think the day is unlucky, and then strange things happen, it may because you manifested it yourself. You think something bad will happen, and you think...
Check it out here: Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzleis available now onSteam, iOS, andGoogle Play! Even better, you can play it for free!If you need help haunting Camp Crystal Lake, come to the OfficialFriday the 13th: Killer PuzzleWiki! Jarrettjawn...
At the time ofFriday the 13th, Savini thought this was just a one-time, low-budget horror movie about a murderous mother killing camp counselors because her son drowned. Savini intended his lake scene with Jason—inspired by the ending of the 1977 horror filmCarri...
A facing shot of Mark's face being split by the machete Unused makeup from Scott's uncut death Unused makeup from Scott's uncut death Connie Hogan in makeup for Mrs. Voorhees in the deleted ending to the film See Also Friday the 13th Part 3 (lost alternate endings of horror seq...
This most recent try at making a Friday the 13th GTA V crossover is possibly the most impressive of them all, capturing the atmosphere and visual style of the most iconic slasher film with almost complete authenticity. It's quite ironic actually, as there isn't any slashing going on and ...
Seriously, THE reason to watch "Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday" is the tent scene (or whatever it's called). When my friends and I watched the movie, we had to watch that scene a few times just to absorb it. It has to be one of the coolest scenes ever put to film. ...
†- Wiki. Mr. Lederer mentions that his treatment of this theme is Aaron Copland-like and I can hear rural American vibe. There is something quaint sounding going on here, a modest, never extreme warm and haunting sound. The second movement is called “Bells of Simplicity...
March is the traditional date for the show, but we've moved the date to May 12-13th. You still have 2 months to perfect that double flip off the grand piano so SAVE the DATE for Fri-Sat, MAY 12 & 13th at the Anderson Valley Grange. Mark your calendars and spread the word!