Jason Voorhees is the main antagonist of the Friday the 13th film series, created by Victor Miller, Ron Kurz, and Sean S. Cunningham. He is known for wearing a hockey mask to cover his face and wielding a machete as his weapon of choice, and is notorious for being a serial killer moti...
Only feature films were considered (sorry, "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving"), and each film had to be watched by at least 1,000 Letterboxd users. Films are ranked by Letterboxd scores, with initial ties broken by IMDb user ratings and secondary ties broken by Metascore. Letterboxd scores are ...
Friday the 13th: Part 13 (found production material of cancelled reboot film; 2017) Reference The film's unused theatrical poster Status:Found Date found: 13 Oct 2020 Found by:Scream Factory Merch Discord Patreon Forums
This most recent try at making a Friday the 13th GTA V crossover is possibly the most impressive of them all, capturing the atmosphere and visual style of the most iconic slasher film with almost complete authenticity. It's quite ironic actually, as there isn't any slashing going on and t...
‘fix’ or get better overnight like they thought they might. We learned that in one town, 50% of the eligible voting population was black, but only 1% of them voted for fear of retribution. The students are absolutely silent during this film, which I know shocks and engages them on a...
I think its a travesty how this movie has taken so much heat compared to the rest of the series. While I love this kind of camp, every character, plot and film in this series has largely been interchangeable with the others. Fast forward to 1993 and we have a film that attempts to ...
the end of the Bowery. Admission for all concerts is free and donations are always welcome. We have concerts here every Tuesday starting at 6:30 plus Steve Gauci curates his own series here on the 2nd or 1st Saturday of each month. You can check out the weekly schedule here: https://...
I’m here today because of a series of events that began late last year, when I received a note from a source online. It read: “Are you interested in doing a deep dive into what censorship and manipulation… was going on at Twitter?” ...