First it was Hillary Clinton’s illegal server use, then Hillary “lost” 30,000+ Emails, then Emails are taken from the DNC and passed to Wikileaks, and now the Democratic Congressiona...
Thus a laboratory or other room without windows but illuminated with filament lighbulbs or other non UV producing lights, would as far as rendering viruses non viable would be almost as good as a blacked out room… There are a number of places where various manual handeling processes are app...
But 20committee assures us it’s a diabolical scheme with Russia and Wikileaks instead of self-preservation? Why start using Occam’s Razor now!? “It’s especially important given the fact that Wikileaks is playing a leading role in the Snowden case” Snowden, like Assange, is a famous l...
—Emma’s Revolutionis the singer/songwriter duo ofPat HumphriesandSandy O, “whose songs have been sung for theDalai Lama, praised byPete Seeger, and covered byHolly Near[where I’ve seen them several times in concert]. With beautiful harmonies and genre-defying eclecticism,…” these feminis... Can’t recall if Bob Widlar is the same character described in George Gilder’s book, Microcosm, who would go to Mexico for extended drinking bouts, then come back to do a brilliant new integrated circuit design.JG... • January 15, 2018 1:02 PM Something stinks in the Hawaiian affair. Having lived through to MAD 50’s, I can tell you we had many tests of the ’emergency broadcast system’. The announcer always said, “This is a test”, and that was...
Mind you Rupert was quite happy “to burn” quite a few of his junior journalists just to save not just his skin but that of the spousal abuser Rebecca Brooks who he had taken quite a deep fancy to, much to the horror of his less than bright
“Mendocino College faculty and staff are excited to host the MCOE Science Fair. We believe introducing kids to STEAM programs early, and welcoming them to the college campus, opens doors for them to pursue a future in the sciences,” said Rebecca Montes, Dean of Instruction at Mendocino Colle...
歪果仁讨厌周五就像我们讨厌“4”一样,因为耶稣就是在周五被钉在了十字架上,耶稣受难日也叫做black friday。03 man friday读过《鲁滨逊漂流记》的人都知道,主人公鲁滨逊有一个野人随从。他的名字叫man friday,中文名是星期五。“星期... 分享回复赞 国服吧抢二楼交流群吧 机智的范佩西 It's Friday, fuck this... The AIs– and the pervasive surveillance they maintain (as described in many stories)– gets around the “It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself”. With pervasive surveillance done by “disinterested parties” (the AIs) who are NOT ...