Friday quiz returns! I’ve been remiss in getting quizzes posted – partially a time issue, but mostly a lack of interesting photos. But I’ve got one today: Can you identify what this plant is, and specifically what the little green candles are? Answers on Monday! Posted on October 28...
Good Friday – QUIZ & Answer What is Good Friday? Good Friday is the Catholics honor the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Which popular devotion commemorates Good Friday? The Stations of the Cross. Why was Jesus sentenced to crucifixion? He was convicted of proclaiming himself to be the King of ...
I then gave you a quiz with which youcould test yourself. Just by identifying the year and caliber of any S&W revolver made from 1905 on, you should be able to use that information alone to tell if the revolver has a pinned barrel, a recessed chamber, both, or neither. Below is the ...
Welcome to the Friday App Wrap, where we share with you some of the standouts from the mobile phone apps that we find each week. You'll find a variety of apps below, plus you can scroll back via the page navigation at the bottom to see the applications highlighted in previous weeks....
I see a young woman who IS grown up. Confident. Responsible. Caring. Self-assured. She’s no longer a child and is quickly evolving from teenager to adult. And I’m surprisingly okay with that. In fact, I’m almost ready. Sure, I absolutely yearn for the days when she was my capti...
66aR[Musical with the song “Put On a Happy Face,” and a hint to making four answers match their starred clues]BYE BYE BIRDIE. 18a.[*Promo for long-range basket shooters?]THREE’S A CROWD, remove the CROW and you have THREES AD. ...
Friday Faves This post may contain affiliate links. Read mydisclosure & privacy policy. Hello hello and say hey to Friday. We spent July 4 and the past week at the beach and I’m a firm believer inthe healing powers of sand and surf.It was exactly what I was craving, along with our...
At , Signal Integrity Evangelist packed the Chiphead Theater with his about what happens to step responses as they travel along a PCB trace. If you heard Eric's talk, then you should have no trouble answering this week's quiz questions. As always, answers appear on the last page. The ...
Send your submissions toalphaville@ft.comby 10am NYC time on Monday, with “QUIZ” in the subject line of the email. We’ll draw a name from all the correct responses, probably at random, though we haven’t yet decided whether a limerick or haiku might help your chances. Maybe if it...
Identify the three charts below andemail us your answersby sunrise Monday, London time, for the chance to win an FT Alphaville exclusive T-shirt. Those are the rules. Here are the charts: Please ensure that you put “QUIZ” as the subject line; include your preferred T-shirt size to sa...