Based on the book of the same name, Friday Night Lights is a sports drama series that centers around the Dillon Panthers, a high school football team in Texas. The show focuses on the small town and the community they share, tackling major social and political issues and the players' chall...
Friday Night Lights: Directed by Peter Berg. With Billy Bob Thornton, Lucas Black, Garrett Hedlund, Derek Luke. Based on H.G. Bissinger's book, which profiled the economically depressed town of Odessa, Texas and their heroic high school football team, Th
Friday Night Lights: Created by Peter Berg. With Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, Aimee Teegarden, Brad Leland. A drama that follows the lives of the Dillon Panthers, one of the nation's best high school football teams, and their head coach Eric Taylor.
Home - TV - List - Friday Night Lights - Synopsis - Episode Guide - Trailers - News and Articles - DVD - SoundtrackFriday Night Lights News and Articles Nov 16, 2024 'Friday Night Lights' Remake in the Works, 13 Years After Original Show Concluded May 10, 2018 David...
If that brief synopsis has you half-turning the page in search of yesterday's racing results, get this: Bissinger doesn't even concern himself with a professional team, but with the Permian High School side of 17and 18-year-olds based in Odessa, Texas. But you should absolutely not let ...
Chalk up Friday Night Lights as an extremely pleasant surprise. I expected the usual rah-rah feel good sports flick, as instead, I found a movie with a harsh focus on reality that made it consistently believable and realistic. The Blu-ray presents strong visuals with decent audio and an err...
This is the first StarKid show to feature achild actor. Due to so many of the cast members getting sick, a performance of the show was cancelled coincidentally on Black Friday. Instead, the remaining cast members held acabaretthat ticket-holders could attend at the scheduled performance time....
(Thank you Rover for the synopsis) @Rover, rover and rob I think there were other mentions of wire in a less endearing sense too, but I’m not running personal RSS based backups on all you guys over here. So my apologies for an inability to put my finger on the steering wheel I’...
Friday the 13th '09 was worth the wait, it is a fast-paced roller coaster that gives us what we want. The deaths are freakin sweet, and trust me, there is a lot of the red stuff. Jason is a badass in this one. He kills with anything he can get his hands on to. ...
Synopsis: “A security researcher has demonstrated a series of attacks capable of disabling touch tone and voice activated phone systems or forcing them to disclose sensitive information.”,phonetic-attack-commands-crash-bank-phone-lines.aspx ...