原名:我的祖父母,我的父母和我。 艺术家:弗里达·卡洛 年代:1936 风格:素人艺术(原始主义) 类型:肖像 介质:油画,金属,彩画 标签:名人,家庭肖像,Frida Kahlo 尺寸:30.5 x 34.5 cm 收藏:现代艺术博物馆(现代艺术博物馆),纽约市,纽约,美国 Title:My Grandparents, My Parents and Me Original Title:Mis Abuelos...
Frida Kahlo的作品「我的祖父母,我的父母和我 」高清无水印大图免费下载,创作年代:1936,图片尺寸:2000 × 1758 像素,风格:Naïve Art (原始主义),体裁:肖像画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」nbfox.com
弗里达·卡罗Frida Kahlo 1907-1954 弗里达·卡罗Frida Kahlo - My Grandparents, My Parents, and I (Family Tree) 1936 弗里达1936年画了一幅自己家族的油画,她的祖父母浑身佩带着大像章飘于云彩之中,她自己则出现在三个地方:一个还是个受精卵,一个是系在她妈妈白色镶边结婚礼服的腰带上的胎儿,还有一个是小孩...
Frida Kahlo’s Diary, 1953 她的一字眉、盘发、头上戴的花和服饰,小猴子···这些都是弗里达·卡洛的象征,通过这些,你总是能一眼认出她。卡洛很特别,她拥有艺术的天赋,同时又有着顽强的生命力。 1、Who was Frida? 她就是寻梦环游记中的coco的人物原型,一字眉,盘发,头上戴花以及那色彩丰富的衣服。 弗里达...
其实,Frida并非科班出身,仅仅在高中时上过几堂艺术课,浏览父亲收藏的艺术书籍,除此之外,她没有接受过艺术方面的正式培训。 Frida and Diego Rivera,1931 正是因为Diego的不断鼓励,Frida才开始拿起画笔,尝试了不同的风格和主题,也逐渐像“超现实主义”风格靠拢。
My Nurse and I, 1937 My Grandparents, My Parents, and I (Family Tree), 1936 Roots, 1943 The Dream (The Bed), 1940 Four Inhabitants of Mexico, 1938 Girl with Death Mask, 1938 Portrait of Luther Burbank, 1931 Self-Portrait on the Border Line Between Mexico and the United States, 1932 ...
#艺术发声# 每当弗里达·卡罗(Frida Kahlo)的作品在MoMA画廊中更换位置时,我们的首席设施和安全官敦吉·阿德尼吉(Tunji Adeniji)都会第一时间找到它们的确切位置。看看他如何诠释作品《我的祖父母、父母和我(族谱)》(My Grandparents, My Parents, and I (Family Tree),1936) ,你就会明白为什么这位艺术家对他如此...
(Frida Kahlo: My Grandparents, my Parents and I (My Family Tree), o/tempera/metal, 30.7 x 34.5 cm., 1936, Museum of Modern Art, New York, Gift of Dr. Roos.) This small painting shows Frida as a young girl, standing in the courtyard of her house holding a ribbon shaped in the ...
Guillermo Kahlo had immigrated to Mexico in 1891 at the age of 19. After his first wife died in childbirth, he married Matilde Calderón, a Catholic whose ancestry included Indians as well as a Spanish general. Frida portrayed her hybrid ethnicity in a 1936 painting, My Grandparents, My Paren...
My Dress Hangs There 油畫編號:26238A painting of What The Water Gave Me by Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo 油畫編號:26239Henry Ford Hospital 油畫編號:26240A Few Small Nips 油畫編號:26241Self-Portrait with Monkey 油畫編號:26242The Suicide of Dorothy Hale 油畫編號:26243The Two Fridas 油畫編號:26244Two ...