作为墨西哥艺术的偶像,弗里达·卡罗(Frida Kahlo,1907 - 1954)的一生充满了不幸,她将苦难作为创作的动力:一场可怕的事故让她遍体鳞伤,她与艺术家迭戈·里维拉(Diego Rivera)的婚姻风雨飘摇,又无法成为母亲。她的风格首先是一个自由女性的风格,受到她国家的流行传统的影响和启发。她的绘画语言在某些方面与超现实主义...
Frida Kahlo的作品「Frieda and Diego Rivera」高清无水印大图免费下载,创作年代:1931,图片尺寸:1731x2231px,风格:Naïve Art (原始主义),体裁:肖像画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」nbfox.com
Frida Kahlo, Self-portrait wearing a velvet dress, 125 x 170 mm, 1926 Frida Kahlo, Frieda and Diego Rivera, 100.01 x 78.74 cm, 1931 Frida Kahlo, Without known title (heart, cactus, fetus),15.3x10.4cm Frida Kahlo, Self-portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the ...
弗里达的丈夫 迭戈·里维拉(Diego Rivera),是墨西哥著名的艺术家,是20世纪最富盛名的壁画家,所以,是墨西哥的国宝级人物。他们的婚姻形象被比喻为“大象与鸽子”,因为里维拉很胖很高,显得弗里达就很娇小。(24岁) Frieda and Diego Rivera, 1931 他们夫妻俩都是共产主义的追随者。他们墨西哥的“蓝屋”子里,还挂着毛...
弗里达·卡罗,《弗里达与迭戈·里维拉》(Frieda and Diego Rivera),布面油画,100×79cm,1931年,现藏于旧金山现代艺术博物馆(San Francisco Museum of Modern Art) 她还时常戴着“雷博佐”围巾(rebozo scarves),要么将其缠在肩上,要么把它穿过她的发辫。
Frida Kahlo's Most Famous Paintings弗里达 卡罗最著名的作品 Many of Kahlo’s works were self-portraits. A few of her most notable paintings include: 卡罗的许多作品都是自画像。以下是一些她著名的作品: 'Frieda and Diego Rivera' (1931) 弗里达和迭戈 里维拉 ...
Okrent continues: “Abby developed a particular bond with ‘Frieda Rivera,’ as Kahlo signed her tender and touching letters to her new friend…Abby was almost motherly to her, especially after Kahlo miscarried in the summer of 1932. Frieda responded with equal warmth: 'I can not forget the ...
Frieda y Diego Rivera, 1931 Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair, 1940 Itzcuintli Dog with Me, 1938 Fulang-Chang and I, 1937-39 Still Life, Round, 1942 Diego and frida, 1944 The Bus, 1929 The Wounded Table, 1940 Coconuts, 1951 Fruit of Life, 1953 ...
Although art had been her hobby throughout her childhood, Kahlo began to entertain the idea of becoming an artist during her long recovery. She was also interested in politics and in 1927 joined the Mexican Communist Party. Through the Party, she met the celebrated muralist Diego Rivera. They...