kCCMemoryFailure Memory allocation failure. kCCAlignmentError Input size was not aligned properly. kCCDecodeError Input data did not decode or decrypt properly. kCCUnimplemented Function not implemented for the current algorithm. } */ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ...
const ghidraImageBase = 0x00040000; // example value get the real value in Ghidra from Window -> Memory map -> Set Image Base const moduleName = "insert module name here"; const functionRealAddressmoduleBaseAddress = Module.findBaseAddress(moduleName); const functionRealAddress = moduleBaseAddre...
methods: {checkClientTrusted:function(chain, authType){},checkServerTrusted:function(chain, authType){},getAcceptedIssuers:function(){// var certs = [X509Certificate.$new()];// return certs;return[];
onEnter:function(args){ //console.log("Interceptor.attach myfirstjniJNI args:",args[0],args[1],args[2]); //console.log("jstring is",Java.vm.getEnv().getStringUtfChars(args[2],null).readCString()); },onLeave:function(reval){ //console.log("Interceptor.attach myfirstjniJNI retval",re...
Implementedrender_markdownfunction to display simple Markdown formatting in the terminal Addedgenerate_random_namefunction to create random Frida modification names Createdmove_filefunction to handle "are identical" errors during file moves Improved ...
Followed your advice(the 3rd point) and I found something new. This time, I removed the [Base64] from onlyDecode output of Frida function executed on edited content(others stay the same) to see whether data changes during transmission (returned from encryptrequest function) or not. And the ...
('[init]', stage, JSON.stringify(parameters)); Interceptor.attach(Module.getExportByName(null, 'open'), { onEnter: function (args) { var path = args[0].readUtf8String(); console.log('open("' + path + '")'); } }); }, dispose: function () { console.log('[dispose]'); } ...
The first useful call you need isJava.perform(function(){}). Here’s an example usage: hello-world.js: 1 setTimeout(function(){ 2 Java.perform(function(){ 3 console.log("hello world!"); 4 }); 5 }); This is essentially a “hello world” Frida Script. We’re passing the setTim...
if(this.SubKey) {// Make sure the value is not null if(this.SubKey.indexOf("CLSID\\") >= 0) { this.ContainsCLSID = 1;// Bool -> contains substring } } }, onLeave:function(log, retval, state) { if(this.ContainsCLSID) {// Check Bool ...
The Web View function is vulnerable to parameter injection. We can check the AndroidManifest.xml to see if the WebView activity is exported: Unfortunately, the activity is not exported which means we can move on to looking at the WebView function that initiates and configures the WebView. Thi...