针对您遇到的 zsh: command not found: frida 问题,我将按照您提供的提示进行解答: 1. 确认frida是否已经正确安装 首先,您需要确认 frida 是否已经在您的系统上安装。在终端中尝试运行 frida --version 或frida-ps(如果已安装,这些命令会显示版本信息或列出进程信息)来检查是否已安装。
frida-ps: command not found 最近了解到frida 砸壳,于是安装pyhton,安装pip,安装frida,一系列操作后,发现使用frida-ps 的时候,找不到该命令。 如果出现以下情况,则可以尝试以下2个方法: 1.确保安装了frida-tools。 pip3 install frida-tools 2.环境变量。 sudo vim ~/.bash_profile 添加: export PATH=/usr/...
1. stephen@stephens-MacBook-Pro ~ % frida zsh: command not found: frida stephen@stephens-MacBook-Pro ~ % pip3 uninstall frida-tools Found existing installation: frida-tools 12.1.3 Uninstalling frida…
frida 和 frida-tools安装完后,一直提示command not found: frida 最后经过测试 卸载frida pip3 uninstall frida-tools 然后用 sudo 安装 sudo pip3installfrida-tools 就可以了 卸载 pip3 uninstall frida pip3 uninstall frida-tools 安装 pip3 install frida -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple pip3 ...
command not found Please help me resolve the issue. Thank you in advance i got frida-ps not found error on windows 10. python was installed from microsoft store. i saw a warning WARNING: The scripts frida, frida-apk, frida-compile, frida-create, frida-discover, frida-join, frida-kill, ...
注意:如果这一步出现command not found:iproxy。说明Mac本地还没有iproxy。只需终端执行brew install usbmuxd。在安装usbmuxd的过程中iproxy会被自动安装。安装好后执行iproxy 2222 22 6.电脑当前目录下继续执行./dump.py -l命令。列出iPhone上当前的所有应用 ...
error:<urlopen error unknown url type: https>lookingforprebuilt extensioninhome directory,i.e. C:\Users\Administrator/frida-12.11.17-py3.8-win-amd64.eggprebuilt extensionnotfoundinhome directory, willtrydownloading it querying pypiforavailable prebuilds---ERROR: Command errored out with exit status...
in _pid_of return self.get_process(target).pid File "/root/virtual-python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/frida/core.py", line 73, in get_process raise _frida.ProcessNotFoundError("unable to find process with name '%s'" % process_name) frida.ProcessNotFoundError: unable to find process ...
3.安装完成后,在Mac终端登录iPhone端,输入 killall SpringBoard (重启手机桌面)回车 注意:不需要在手机终端输入frida-ps -U ,会报 -sh: frida-ps: command not found 错误,frida-ps -U 检查安装成功指令是在Mac终端使用的 2. Mac端准备: 在终端输入 sudo pip3 install frida 回车,安装完成后输入 frida-ps...
Alternatively, simply rm -rf the directory of the version you want to remove. You can find the directory of a particular Python version with the pyenv prefix command, e.g. pyenv prefix 2.6.8. frida安装 如果直接按下述安装则会直接安装frida和frida-tools的最新版本。