robin hood and friar tuck基本解释 罗宾汉与塔克修士 分词解释 robin知更鸟,鸫 hood兜帽 friar(天主教的)男修士 tuck〈英俚〉吃,喝猜你喜欢 little red riding hood小红帽 range hood抽油烟机 robin hood罗宾汉 robin williams罗宾·威廉姆斯 john tucker must die约翰·塔克必死 red riding hood血红帽 robin ...
... 5.Robin Hood and Friar Tuck 罗宾汉和修士 7.Headless Horseman 无头骑士无头骑士 ...|基于4个网页 2. 罗宾汉与塔克修士 罗宾汉... ... Little John and the Sheriff of Nottingham 小约翰与诺丁汉郡郡长 Robin Hood and Friar Tuck 罗宾汉与塔克修士 ...|...
friar tuck基本解释 塔克修士;修士塔克;修道士塔克;法莱尔塔克 分词解释 friar(天主教的)男修士 tuck〈英俚〉吃,喝 猜你喜欢 john tucker must die约翰·塔克必死 best bib and tucker〈口〉漂亮衣服 nip and tuck/adv.势均力敌 tuck in把…折入,把…塞进,把…掖好 dartmouth college tuck达特茅斯大学塔克...
Friar Tuck Also found in:Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. n (European Myth & Legend)English legenda jolly friar who joined Robin Hood's band and aided their exploits Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006,...
Friar Tuck is a character from English folklore, associated with Robin Hood. Friar Tuck was an 11th century friar in Nottingham and ally to Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest. Friar Tuck has made some live appearances. Friar Tuck is namesake and mascot for th
所属专辑:Robin Hood 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 Chapter 12 The Two Churchmen and the Bags of Gold-1 52017-11 2 Chapter 11 Robin Hood and Friar Tuck-2 102017-11 3 Chapter 11 Robin Hood and Friar Tuck-1 52017-11 4 Chapter 10 ...
词汇 Friar Tuck 释义 Friar Tuck ˌFriar ˈTuck a fat and cheerful monk (=a member of an all-male religious group), who enjoys eating and drinking, and appears in old English stories about Robin Hood as one of his followers Friar TuckTuck, Friar → see Friar Tuck...
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. There, Sherlock Holmes also showed mercy and noted “it is the season of forgiveness.”Friar Tuck and the Christmas Devilis a fine addition to the literary tradition of Mr. Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street as much as it is to the tradition of Robin Hood of Barns...
根据The two men now began fighting with the staffs. They fought until they were exhausted.可知,这两个人开始在水里打架,直到筋疲力尽也无法分出胜负,所以a排在第四位.根据The two men shook hands. Friar Tuck became a trusted member of Robin Hood's band of outlaws.可知,他们俩最后变成了朋友,...