Freya is the goddess of love and fertilityinNorse mythology, and she is associated with sex, lust, beauty, sorcery, gold, war, and death. The name Freya means “Lady”, and it can, for instance, also be spelled, Freyja, Freja, Fröja, Frøya. Freya is not an Aesir, although she...
Freya (Old Norse: Freyja, Nordic: ᚠᚱᛖᛁᚨ), also known as Frigg (Old Norse: Frigga, Nordic: ᚠᚱᛁᚷᚷ), Freya Njördsdottir (Translation: Freya, Daughter of Njörd) and Nað (Nordic: ᚾᚨᛞ), is the Vanir Goddess of Love, Beauty, War, Death, Magic,...
Freya is a warrior goddess, a Valkyrie, and a goddess of sensual love, fertility, beauty, and gold. Though this captivating goddess from ancient Norse myths had numerous lovers, she was the wife of the mysterious Norse god Od. Table of Contents On The Battlefield Freya's Marriage to Od F...
Freya is the Goddess of love in Norsemythology, often associated withfemininity& Spring, so I have primarily chosen red and purple to convey her beauty, and adding a bit ofgold touch to symbolize her luxurious life. However, another side of Freya is a symbol of war, leading other Valkyries...
Norse Goddess of Fertility (Norse mythology) BBCODE: To link to this page in a forum post or comment box, just copy and paste the link code below: [url=]FREYA - the Norse Goddess of Fertility (Norse mythology)[/url] ...
Define Freya. Freya synonyms, Freya pronunciation, Freya translation, English dictionary definition of Freya. also Frey·ja n. Norse Mythology The goddess of love and beauty; the sister of Frey. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, F
Freya is the Norse goddess of everything feminine: love, beauty, sex, fertility, and gold. However, she was also at times associated with war and death. Her name translates to “(the) Lady.” Family The daughter of Njord, the sea god, and an unnamed moth
Odr is a god (Old Norse: Óðr), and he is the husband of thefertility goddess FreyainNorse mythology. The name Óðr which also can be spelled Óð can be translated into inspiration, fury, frenzy, and furious. According toSnorri Sturluson‘s two books, The Prose Edda, an...
Freyja, (Old Norse: “Lady”), most renowned of the Norse goddesses, who was the sister and female counterpart of Freyr and was in charge of love, fertility,
Freya 名字含义:实际,责任感强,可靠,口头表达力差。诚实、公正,坦率常得罪人,但说过后会后悔。名字拼音:[freya]中文音译:芙蕾雅、弗丽娅、弗蕾娅 截止2020年2月,外国人口名字,中国没有数据统计的。但是Freya多出现于北欧神话,影视小说中。芙蕾雅(Freya),是北欧神话中爱与美的女神,生育之神,...