The meaning of FREUDIAN SLIP is a slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of the mind. How to use Freudian slip in a sentence.
Freudian slip meaning, definition, what is Freudian slip: something you say that is different from...: Learn more.
1910年,與奧地利精神病學家西格蒙德· Freud(1856-1939)的工作或理論相關。Freudian slip 首次出現於1959年(有關類似概念的早期詞語,請參見 heterophemy)。 也來自:1910 相關條目 Freudian heterophemy(n.) "the (unintentional) use of some other word or phrase in place of the one that was meant," ...
The meaning of FREUDIAN is of, relating to, or according with the psychoanalytic theories or practices of Sigmund Freud. How to use Freudian in a sentence.
Instead, in an apparent Freudian slip, he said, “We must replace the discredited president.” FromThe Daily Beast Quell is a feral creature; a personification of the Freudian id. FromThe Daily Beast It is only fair to admit that Margaret seems to have been a Freudian herself long before ...
Both kinds of glitches can offer the opportunity to uncover meaning in the relationship. Exploration might help elucidate either the patient's reaction to the technological glitch or the unconscious meaning behind a parapraxis glitch. Like a 'Freudian slip' of the tongue in a typical session, a ...
Related to Freudian psychology: psychoanalysis, Humanistic psychology, Freudian slippsychoanalysis psychoanalysis, name given by Sigmund Freud to a system of interpretation and therapeutic treatment of psychological disorders. Psychoanalysis began after Freud studied (1885–86) with the French neurologist J. ...
Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory As part of his psychoanalytical theory Freud and his daughter Ana developed ten defense mechanisms. These defense mechanisms are unconscious meaning people are usually not even aware they are using them. Answer and ...
The findings cited below describe changes in physiological processes paralleling changes in psychological processes; however, the objective measures do not shed any light on the specific content or meaning held within these processes. Aside from interpretation, much of Freud's work was spent theorising...
Word History First Known Use 1910, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of Freudian was in 1910 See more words from the same year Phrases Containing Freudian Freudian slip neo-Freudian post-Freudian Dictionary Entries Near Freudian Freud Freudian Freudian slip ...