The meaning of FREUDIAN is of, relating to, or according with the psychoanalytic theories or practices of Sigmund Freud. How to use Freudian in a sentence.
The meaning of FREUDIAN SLIP is a slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of the mind. How to use Freudian slip in a sentence.
Define neo-Freudian. neo-Freudian synonyms, neo-Freudian pronunciation, neo-Freudian translation, English dictionary definition of neo-Freudian. adj. Of, relating to, or characterizing any psychoanalytic system based on but modifying Freudian doctrine by
Freudian slip meaning, definition, what is Freudian slip: something you say that is different from...: Learn more.
Such attribution depends on extending the meaning of sexual to encompass the quest for sensual pleasure in childhood (so-called infantile sexuality) and choices of objects and aims. One theme that is thought to have particular importance is the Oedipus complex, in which the child rivals one ...
Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver's stochastic analysis of the English language as a means for transmitting speech technologically: they analyzed language in terms of the most probable next letter statistically—they evacuated (contra the cybernetician Donald Mackay, for example) meaning from transmission...
in support of the Freudian topography of the mind. The findings cited below describe changes in physiological processes paralleling changes in psychological processes; however, the objective measures do not shed any light on the specific content or meaning held within these processes. Aside from ...
complete translation into English of this unique work on dream interpretation, coming to us from an early "professional" of this ancient art. Moreover the translation has been enriched by Professor White's in depth commentary on the text and on the vast Greek and Roman culture ofArtemidorus'...