(学习吉他指板音符的一种有效方法)A Way to Learn Notes on Guitar, 491 -- 10:53 App 不迷失指板音符的五个方法:Still getting LOST on the fretboard 383 1 7:55 App fretscience mode讲解1:理解调式音阶,并方便用【吉他】五声音阶+两个音符弹出来。 2129 -- 14:59 App (和弦琶音的万能进阶用法)Vers...
不迷失指板音符的五个方法:Still getting LOST on the fretboard 10:53 (FS如何用5个基础和弦推导其他和弦)How to instantly turn 5 chords into 500 20:14 (学习吉他指板音符的一种有效方法)A Way to Learn Notes on Guitar, 09:22 (如何用CAGED系统让指板一目了然)How CAGED opens up your fretboard...
Fret Notes is a game that helps you learn all the notes on a guitar's fretboard. It also keeps track of your average response time so that you know when you're…
Learn how to play the guitar and rock out in front of any crowd! Curated course guides and more! Fret Zealot offers guitar, bass, and ukulele courses for beginner, intermediate and advanced students from the best instructors on the web!
If you want to learn how to play guitar, there’s no better time to start than winter, when you’re spending less time outside and more time at home. Here are a few reasons why winter is the perfect time to pick up a guitar and start learning: There’s not much else going on...
简介 Fret Notes is a game that helps you learn all the notes on a guitar's fretboard. It also keeps track of your average response time so that you know when you're getting better at recognising the notes.新内容 版本记录 版本1.1.1 Privacy Policy URL update.App 隐私 查看详情 开发...
In another context, "fret" can also refer to the metal strips on the neck of a guitar or similar stringed instrument, used to produce different notes. “焦虑 ”是一个动词,意思是担心或焦虑某事。它也可以指逐渐磨损或造成情绪困扰。作为名词,“发愁 ”可以指焦虑或担心的状态。
Whether you're looking to upgrade your guitar or embark on a DIY project, this 21 Fret Rosewood Electric Guitar Fingerboard is a reliable and stylish choice. 21 Fret Rosewood Electric Guitar Fingerboard Fretboard Inlay color Shell Sound Piont with fret Guitar DIY Parts maple wood Color: Wood...
The Internet guitar fretboard tool - view and edit scales and chords. Explore, create, learn and share!
Fret Trainer is the best iOS and Android app to learn the fretboard on the guitar, bass, ukuelele, banjo, or mandolin.