Everything you need to know about keeping sharks and shark fish as pets in your home aquarium. Guaranteed to answer all your questions and more, a must have guide for anyone passionate about sharks and shark fish. Includes shark and shark fish care, aquariums and tanks, pet shark species, ...
Related Articles: Invertebrates for Freshwater Aquariums by Neale Monks, Nematodes, Flatworms, Anchor Worms and Other Worm Parasites of Freshwater Fish by Neale Monks, Choose Your Weapon: Freshwater Fish Disease Treatment Options by Neale Monks, Related...
Can Puffers live with Sharks... FW 7/1/08 I just got a new aquarium last week (I caught the water fever must have more aquariums Lol). It is 10 gallons and has been running for the past 3 or 4 days. I have some plastic plants in it and a rock cave. I really like Dwarf ...
<Excellent - glad to hear it! For all those reading, this was the "Simple Guide to Freshwater Aquariums" by David E. Boruchowitz...> Obviously, I haven't read the book as of yet; but, the first thing I did was to test Siegfried and The Sucky's water. <Good idea.> These are ...