Check out the best freshwater catfish for the home aquarium, including small catfish for small tanks, and others that grow to several feet in length.
Pages in category "Freshwater Aquarium Fish" The following 136 pages are in this category, out of 136 total. A Albino Garfish Anpa's Handmaid Archerfish Armor Fish Atamra Cichlid B Big-eye Black Tri-star Blood Red Bonytongue Blowgun
Everything you need to know about keeping sharks and shark fish as pets in your home aquarium. Guaranteed to answer all your questions and more, a must have guide for anyone passionate about sharks and shark fish. Includes shark and shark fish care, aquariums and tanks, pet shark species, ...
The Red Tail Barracuda is recommended for an aquarist with some fish keeping experience. They are relatively hardy fish. Though sensitive to organic pollutants and swings in water chemistry, water quality is not usually an issue if the aquarium is well maintained. Why do Barracudas smell? Barrac...
They are also quite messy fish and require a spacious and well filtered aquarium. Diet wise they are unfussy, most meaty foods will be accepted. They will also take great pleasure in redecorating their tank, so any décor should be heavy and very secure and any heaters/thermometers must be ...
Feeding the Tiger Shovelnose Catfish is not difficult due to the fact that it is not a picky eater. In the wild, this fish will eat fish and crustaceans. In the aquarium setting, assorted worms, frozen foods, sinking catfish pellets, and dry foods will provide the proper nutrition. ...
I think part of the trouble may be that these fish can't see very well at close range). <In part, removal of solid waste in the aquarium is the job of the filter; if the water gets cloudy, it means you're either massively overfeeding, or else the filter simply isn't up to the...
environments where the hardness isn't sufficiently high; adding some marine aquarium salt mix can be a helpful supplement to a good quality Finrot medication. The problem won't go away until water quality problems are fixed, so attend to both these issues, the tank and the fish, together. ...
shark can be very aggressive towards other fish of its own species and is best kept without other Black sharks present unless the aquarium is large enough for several territories to be established. Just like all types of freshwater sharks in the genus Balantiocheilos, the Black shark prefers ...
aquarium tradeDNA-based identificationgenetic databasesintroduced speciesElemental analysis of biological calcified structures (e.g. fish otoliths, mollusc shelves, coral skeletons or fish and shark bones) provides invaluable information regarding ecological processes for many aquatic species. Despite this ...