We also added all the species in the section “aquatic plants” in Ellery and Ellery (1997) and those recorded in permanent water as well as their locations in the Delta. All species names and location details were collected from four main sources: (1) scientific publications and reference ...
Freshwater fishes support rural livelihoods in the region but they are among the most threatened organism in Indo-Myanmar region1, due to unsustainable fishing practices, invasive species, and habitat alteration and loss. Further, level of threat to the entire river ecosystem of the region could ...
Unfortunately for North American aquarists, this species is not yet readily available in all but the coastal and near coastal states. Some report that they do ship well, so they should be more available soon in all locations. I haven't been able to test this yet, but hope to do so ...
1.1.5 Chemical control using herbicides • A controlled, replicated study in the UK1 found that the herbicide 2,4-D amine applied at 4.2 kg/ha achieved near to 100% mortality, compared with the herbicide glyphosate applied at 2.2 kg active ingredient/ha (without an adjuvant) which achieved...
Indeed, envenomation by stingrays is quite common in freshwater and marine fishing communities. Although having high morbidity, such injuries are neglected because they have low lethality and usually occur in remote areas, which favor the use of folk remedies2. Moreover, accidents are caused due ...
(Fig.1; Supplementary TableS1). A total of 24–45 individuals were sampled from 2 to 3 sites above and 2 to 3 sites below each barrier. At each site, backpack electrofishing (Smith-Root Model 20b) was undertaken to sample between 50 and 600 m (mean 200, SE 7) of stream in an...
After seining, hook and line fishing was employed in each of the pools. Except for Aplodinotus grunniens and Morone mississippiensis, species caught by hook and line were also represented in seine samples. Localities were chosen on the basis of two criteria. First, I sampled all localities ...
Economic interests, especially in the northern Adriatic, are tied to fishing, trade, intensive use of farming and, since the beginning of the 20th century in the northern and since the 1960s in the southern region, to tourist seaside development [6]. Figure 1. Location of the Adriatic Sea ...
To ensure the sustainability of this species, several strategies could be implemented, such as the regular monitoring of population dynamics and prey fish, size restrictions for fishing, and regulated fishing seasons. These actions could significantly impact the protection and management of burbots in ...
Interviews were held in a variety of locations, including Elders’ homes or backyards, the riverside, smokehouses, canoes, and around a fire [60,109,119]. Feelings of comfort on the land, along with the memories being on the land elicits, may align Western knowledge-sharing mechanisms such...