How to Make Your Own Sponge Filter Sponge filters are a great option for hospital and fry tanks but they can also be used as a source of supplemental filtration for community tanks. NEXTARTICLE The Pros and Cons of Live Food for Fish The type of food you choose to feed your aquarium fi...
If you disturb the bottom too much and fling sand all over your tank, particles of sand can become trapped in the filter. Be cautious when cleaning or rearranging your tank for this reason. Also, under gravel filters generally cannot be used with sand. The other problem (and ironically, ...
Check the filter’s impeller mechanism (example shown below). This is the part that will move the water through the filter, so if it is damaged, clogged, or otherwise not in good condition, the filter might need a replacement part or have similar damage in other areas. Check the seals o...
So for a 20 gallon tank, the filter should be rated at 6 x 20 = 120 gallons/hour. Even the best filter won't do its job if you aren't caring for it properly; make sure it's stocked with the right type of media and that you're cleaning this media properly and as often as req...
And when a fish dies, it is MUCH BETTER to wait a month to see that the tank is disease-free and the filter working properly before adding more fish.> I bought a test kit and went changed about 20% of the water. When I tested again that evening the ammonia was in the 3. ppm "...
Gentle Filtration:A sponge filter provides gentle water flow and prevents shrimplets from being sucked into the filter. The Breeding Process Pairing:Introduce the breeding pair to the tank. They may initially be shy, so provide ample hiding spots. ...
Most tropical fish, including Tilapia, grow best above 80'F. If they need heat, and the water filter needs a UV stage, why not add an open air solar water heater to do both? A shallow tray with black backing over which the water is pumped may raise the temperature even without a cov...
Young Clowns love to squeeze into tight areas and also love water flow. Beware of powerhead outlets. There have been young clowns that "disappear" only to be found dead during a filter cleaning. Identification[edit] The Clown Loach in fact has very similar colouration to theTiger Barb, in ...