freshwater, and even brackish water. If you consider having a community fish with different types of species, this fish can be a perfect option as a small tank fish. But then again, you need to find your small tank to have a community fish. In fact, if you buy...
Fish, Inverts, Aquatic Plants Sold Online. Buy Live Aquarium Fish, Shrimp, Crayfish, Snails with a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee across the US
Because kuhli loaches are small and hardly swim around at all, they can be excellent fish for the small aquarium. They usually slither around the bottom of the tank looking for morsels of food. Unlike most other loaches, kuhli loaches are completely peaceful and need the company of their own...
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Get tips on caring for your freshwater fish and maintaining your freshwater aquarium. Best Tankmates for Tropical Fish Do You Have Cannibalistic Fish? 70 White Fish Name Ideas Can You Keep a Catfish as a Pet?8 Steps to the Perfect Aquarium Our free guide can help keep your tank clean...
Other good tank mates for Pinocchio shrimp are freshwater snails and small, peaceful fish, like pygmy cory catfish. A water temperature of 75–80°F and a pH of 7.0–8.0 is ideal for a Pinocchio shrimp tank. Bee Shrimp Care level: Temperament: Color: Lifespan: Size: Easy Peaceful Pale ...
Sometimes you just have to break down a tank. It can be sad, but we have to admit to ourselves that it is time. That is what I recently did with my large tank. For each of us the events that lead to this decision vary but the end result is the same, we end up tankless. If ...
Cichlids are one of the most diverse groups of fish in the world. Have you ever considered adding a cichlid or two to your freshwater tank? NEXT ARTICLE Everything You Need to Know About Freshwater Angelfish Angelfish are a species of freshwater cichlid and they are one of the most popular...
Noun1.freshwater fish- flesh of fish from fresh water used as food seafood- edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc bream,freshwater bream- flesh of various freshwater fishes of North America or of Europe ...
If you own or are interested in African cichlids this place is a must. Checked it out for the first time a day or two ago while looking for some rock to go in my 54 corner tank and was amazed at the amount and variety of their stock. ...