Angelfishcan make a great addition to any aquarium, they can grow quite large, and you can choose between several varieties. Some types will require more water, prefer more or less vegetation, or be more aggressive than others, so we highly recommend doing some research before you make a pur...
TheAngelfishis among the most beautiful species you can choose for your freshwater aquarium. They come in variousshapes, sizes, and colors, and can be found in South America, in many rivers, including the Amazon. Angelfish prefer slow-moving water, filled with driftwood and other hiding spots....
Fire eel is a particularly peaceful fish that remain content in its provided space. However, eels, by nature are predatory creatures, and so your fire eel might be dangerous to other smaller freshwater fish. The best tank mates for your eels are: Angelfish Medium-to-largeBarbs Green terror O...
Check out the best freshwater catfish for the home aquarium, including small catfish for small tanks, and others that grow to several feet in length.
(except for the Levamisole) in a QT tank. I only use medication when I fear the fish is dying. I try everything else first. The blue ram is a part of a pair that has laid eggs twice. I'm really hoping to diagnose and treat him. I would also like to keep the angelfish healthy...