Fresh pet food and treats made in the USA with all-natural chicken or beef as the #1 ingredient. Learn about our refrigerated, no preservative dog food and cat food!
Fresh pet food and treats made in the USA with all-natural chicken or beef as the #1 ingredient. Learn about our refrigerated, no preservative dog food and cat food!
Freshpet also differentiates itself from other brands within the dog food space with their cookingFreshpet knows that dogs need 12 essential amino acids to live a happy and healthy life, and Freshpet gently steams its recipes to release the optimal amount of each of the 12 essential amino acids...
She hated the food, didn’t eat very much and lost 10% of her body weight in 6 months. I switched her to Freshpet for small dogs and she is back to eating normally. Thanks Freshpet. Jasmine More time with my senior dog I have a 20yr old poodle who was suffering from seizures......
She hated the food, didn’t eat very much and lost 10% of her body weight in 6 months. I switched her to Freshpet for small dogs and she is back to eating normally. Thanks Freshpet. Jasmine More time with my senior dog I have a 20yr old poodle who was suffering from seizures......
kept in the fridge (where food belongs)Freshpet® favorites They're bestsellers for good reason. Try our most-loved recipes. for dogsfor catssmall but mighty Nutritionally developed to support the needs of a small dog. small dog recipesonly...
Thank you for your loyalty, and for being a member of our Freshpet family!The Freshpet Care Team Advertisement CO Consumer 2 reviews GB Jul 30, 2023 Dogs love the food but have two… Dogs love the food but have two different sizes of same chicken product. Both are tender chicken but ...
for about four months until her last few days when she went downhill. I am convinced that she would have been in pain and not lasted as long as she did without Fresh Pet. Any other food gave her diarrhea and obvious pain as she could not digest dry foods or much of the canned ...
we have launched several new items to do that, and they are doing very well. In particular, our large dog product, while still unlimited distribution, has grown quite nicely and is becoming a very successful item for us as it broadens the appeal of Freshpet into larger dogs. Similarly, our...
had consumption growth of 77% in Q3 versus a year ago. When you add the rolls to it, the combined small dog product consumption was up 119% versus a year ago. While small dogs don't eat as much as larger dogs, our data shows that the small dog pet parent is much more likely to...