大一的学生称为 freshman(新人)、junior(初级者)表示大三学生、senior(资深者)表示大四学生,每个词语都很贴切地表达出各个阶段学生的特征,但是 sophomore 大二就显得比较晦涩难懂,那么 sophomore 究竟有什么秘密呢?sophomore 对于 sophomore 的由来,网上一般认同这样的词根词缀说法:sophomore 由 soph 和 more ...
freshman的意..freshman的意思是很fresh的人;sophomore的意思是suffer more;junior的意思是就那样儿;senior的意思是死那样儿原创
(那时候我的老师跟我说,现在你们已经是sophomore了,我们要让你们suffer more~~) junior student大三 (junior这个词看过吧,junior middle school表示初中啊) senior student大四 (senior表示高级的,我们可以把老人尊称为senior citizens) 现在社会和生活,压力大,世事纷繁,学会自己快乐,希望大家也和我一起快乐。 Think...
从freshman成为"suffermore"咯 只看楼主 收藏 回复 说熊点 潜龙勿用 5 不知不觉已经成为大二学姐了,我始终认为频繁的记录是对生活最高的赞礼。对啦,欢迎萌新们的加入,有任何疑问都可以问我,快到碗里来叭~#学长学姐讲校园# 小道漫行 突如其来 7 去过几次回龙广场 蓝白无耳狸猫 利涉大川 6 学姐...
Please feel free to PM me. I have a junior engineering major (pitcher) at an academically rigorous school also. It was a difficult adjustment at first for us too, but we've got thorugh it. Good luck. 2012/10/19下午12:08 ️0 ...
附上大学几个学年的说法: freshman大一 (新鲜人) sophomore大二 (那时候我的老师跟我说,现在你们已经是sophomore了,我们要让你们suffermore~~) juniorstudent大三 (junior这个词看过吧,juniormiddleschool表示初中啊) seniorstudent大四 (senior表示高级的,我们可以把老人尊称为seniorcitizens) 现在社会和生活,压力大,...
One of the ways in which high school is different from middle school or junior high school the most is the higher expectations. You’ll find that you’re expected to keep closer track of your own schedule and responsibilities with fewer people checking upon you. At the same time, your clas...
One of their High School Marching Band members, a Junior, took his own life yesterday. No one had a clue or saw it coming. That made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Sooo terribly tragic. Makes my heart hurt. Sending prayers. ...
2. What differences have you found between your junior and senior high school life? Activity 2: Pre-reading Look at the picture and the title of the passage. Can you predict the main idea of the passage? The Freshman Challenge Activity 3: Skim to get main ideas Task1: Read the text qu...
(YAHOO) — At 10 years old, most kids spend their free time riding a bike or memorizing “Let It Go” lyrics. But Esther Okade — who, to be fair, does love Frozen — is more interested in writing an algebra workbook for kids and studying for college exams. ...