复数: freshmen; 实用场景例句 全部 一年级学生 新手 during my freshman year 在我一年级期间 牛津词典 high school/college freshmen 高中/ 大学一年级新生 牛津词典 He flounders through the first weeks of freshman year. 刚进大学的头几个星期他手足无措. 辞典例句 Selective colleges attract far more quali...
官方解释如下:freshman:a first-year student at a university, college, or high school. 什么意思呢?翻译过来就是大学或者高中里面刚来的那一届,可以解释为新生。在不同的语境下,可能含义会有一些小的差异。出现在四六级考试中的时候,一般理解为:大一的,大一的新生。和man比较像,复数形式为f...
freshman 英 [ˈfreʃmən] 美 [ˈfreʃmən] n.(大学)一年级新生;(中学)九年级学生;大学一年级新生。复数: freshmen (especially NAmE) (大学)一年级新生;(中学)九年级学生 a student who is in his or her first year at a university or colle...
1. They are the freshmen of the English Department. 他们是英文系的新生。 2. 2. He is afreshmanin the show business. 他在演艺界是一名新手。 freshman网络解释 1. freshman在线翻译 1. 大一新生:依次是研究生,大四(senior),大三(junior),大二(sophmore)最后是大一新生(freshman).前后总共将近40天....
美[ˈfreʃmən] 英['freʃmən] n.高一或大一新生 网络大学一年级学生;大一学生;新鲜人 复数:freshmen 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 freshman 显示所有例句 n. 1. (大学)一年级新生;(中学)九年级学生a student who is in his or her first year at a university or college, or in the...
Unit 2 Freshman Year 详案 Unit 2 Freshman Year I. Teaching Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, teachers are expected to have enabled students (Ss) to: ■ have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically; ■ build up an active vocabulary to talk about freshman ...
Freshman Year: Directed by Frank McDonald. With Dixie Dunbar, William Lundigan, Constance Moore, Mark Daniels. Among the freshmen beginning their education at Carlton College are Marian Stuart, the daughter of a judge; Bob Potter, the son of a Carlton al
My freshmen year of high school I decided to try out for the soccer team. High school was a new start. I was ready to make new friends and create new memories. Going into try outs I only knew one other girl on the team. The other people in my grade I knew of them, but I knew...
List: Colleges Where Freshman Year Study Abroad Is Common: A lot of schools only offer study abroad opportunities to juniors and sometimes sophomores, but the schools on this list decided that their freshmen could handle it. Find more advice on everything from dealing with...