The Fresh Start program can help resolve your tax debt, but make sure you're prepared for what it entails.
The IRS created the Fresh Start Initiative as a way of expanding assistance to those dealing with tax debt. The program has been around for over a decade, and has been expanded to loosen some of the restrictions for accessing various tax types of tax relief through the IRS....
Chicago tax lawyer andChicago CPAprovides IRS Fresh Start program tax debt relief, currently not collectible status, IRS tax debt relief, IRS penalty reduction, IRS tax forgiveness, tax accounting, tax preparation, tax planning and business advisory services. Unpaid and delinquent payroll taxes. Payro...
However, be aware of the potential drawbacks of an installment plan. The Fresh Start Program from the IRS applies interest to your total debt. This means that you may end up paying more than you originally owed, even if the amount you have to pay each month is different. ...
The IRS Fresh Start program represents a valuable opportunity for taxpayers struggling with tax debt to regain their financial footing. Its expanded payment options, penalty relief provisions and more accessible Offer in Compromise criteria have made tax debt resolution more achievable for many Americans...