They stored them in wood ash, wheat bran, and straw, or coated them with butter or lard, or kneaded them intohomemade pastathat was hung to dry. Most of the methods rely on a few simple principles: Start with clean, fresh eggs. Don’t wash the eggs at all. That removes their natur...
Did you know that pigs raised in the sun in a pasture are tremendously healthy for you? Even the bacon. Even the sausage. Even the brats. Even the lard. Delicious, and good for you. To read more about healthy farm-raised pigs gohereandhere. Oh, the opportunities for your dinner table...
I made my own junk food – potatoes, lard, salt – I have created potato chips! My saving grace is that I have 2 beds filled with sweet potatoes. I hate them. I have hated sweet potatoes my entire life. BUT I’ve never been this hungry. I have a feeling I’m going to like swe...
−p1T,e 3hr pemeln∙sad−t1ie,c r5ua lmlard∙s ti−o1s,t ance betwt7eh emen g∙str−ho1,eu anpnddo. r 9Tt amhles∙s o−d1u, =trlee4stp maeicr,t viaveneldolyct.i htTyeh uefir nco ownmatsps a3lor ...