Of the three beet varieties we grow - red, Chioggia (candystripe), and gold - the golds tend to be the most mellow. That earthy flavor that turns some people off to beets is due to a compound called geosmin ("geos" as in "earth"). It's the same compound that we associate with ...
hamburger buns and cinnamon rolls but never with water or whole wheat. It almost made them too soft and the crumb was so fine it was like cotton candy or what we call Wonderbread over here. I will look for the fava bean flour at our local market that has ...
Thanks, I might pass on both. The intro to the Bittman book sounded great, I especially liked his observation that once you are used to whole wheat, breads baked with regular flour taste empty ( I have described it as tasting like cotton candy ). I generally find that I don't need mo...
Use the “cotton ball” approach in your big spider areas. Put a couple of drops of oil on a cotton ball or a piece of a sponge and place it in or near a nook or cranny that spiders like. We have cupboards and dressers that spiders like to nest under — that is the sort of pla...