All women should realize that we need women in the workforce and if they want to, they can be as successful as men but if a woman sees these opportunities yet decides to be a stay at home mom then it is her decision and I think we should respect her decision. Raising a kid right i...
How to start getting fit 8Aug (Photo credit: Wikipedia) THE FIT PART: It turned out that mymountain bikeandsomebody to ride withwere the key to getting myself started “fitting up”. At first all I could do was about 3 miles, but after a week 5 miles was not a problem. Within a...
possibilities, plans, and dreams. I have to admit that I am struggling to see more that ten feet in front of my face these days. Perhaps because that’s about the length of the rooms in our home, which I rarely leave. I have never seen myself as a Pollyana...
In case you’re thinking this is just the business of the various countries sharing the near 300 river basins in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America – I would argue otherwise. New Zealand, for instance, despite being in the world’sfreshwater top ten(having the most fresh ...
You can find or deduce a definition ofintelligencethat could fit a computer. Maybe you could by looking at a book by Norbert Weiner on cybernetics (I think 1950s). Or you could consider that AI is more advanced than, say, the database concept and expert programming. The software program...
Whether you're looking to vibe with J Balvin or roar with Katy Perry, let these tracks welcome you to a prosperous and hopeful new year.
The central government has laid out the law, and provinces, cities and towns in China can amend and implement censorship laws and rules to fit their needs. If you drive through China, for every city you visit you’ll find that a different set of websites is blocked. You may be able ...
Fresh Seaweed Suppliers Online and Offline Maybe you are wonder where to find fresh seaweed suppliers since seaweed retailers are really rare and unless you live in coastal area, it is going to be difficult to find fresh and raw seaweeds. Seaweed is an exotic ocean plant with wide variety ...
Fool Stock Advisor. An American provider of alternative and specialty parts to repair and accessorize automobiles and trucks, et cetera. In fact, LKQ, just checking Wikipedia right now, stands for Like, Kind, and Quality. Not sure I knew that until today years old. The ticker symbol is LKQ...
Made my own custom Programm in python that allows you to run Wikipedia in your command line interface (works on windows but haven't tested macOS or Linux yet can someone try it for me?) Comments > [Pueue]: Call for testing on v4-rc.2 release candidate Comments > Supercharging My Cli...