I also think that it is the writer’s job to first produce as clean a story as possible in the very beginning–and I used some beta readers just to make sure the story worked. My philosophy is that as the writer, I should know where the flaws exist to begin. If the early readers ...
Stock up on all-natural, fresh slices of soothing and gorgeous-smelling handmade soaps at The Alchemists Wife (917 Chicago Ave., Evanston). A warm throw blanket from Maze Home (735 Elm St., Winnetka) in Classic Tartan or yummy lambswool will keep you cozy along with a snuggly sweater ...
Get outto discover the new items are arriving weekly at Wheatgrass Saloon to fill the Boutique for the holiday season. Aquiesse candles, Michel Design soaps, colored pencils by Sprout that you can use for the Re-Mark coloring cards and bookmarks, jewelry and more. ...