All information must be filled out, including member ID, patient name, DOB, CPT-4 codes, ICD-10 Diagnoses codes, and provider information such as NPI and Tax ID. The following documents are acceptable file formats (JPG/JPEG is NOT acceptable): PDF TIFF MTIF DOC Submit all claim pages (...
related health problems ICD-10 codes J80 or J81 or J96 Our primary goal was to assess the rate of DAD in encoded as the primary or related or significantly asso- patients with nonresolving ARDS across the different ciated diagnosis). 224 Open lung biopsy pneumocyte hyperplasia or honeycomb ...
Accession codes. All data used in this work are openly available at m9.figshare.7217459. Received: 9 May 2019; Accepted: 19 January 2020; Published: xx xx xxxx References 1. WHO. AirQ+: key features, WHO Regional Office for Europe (2016). 2. Anderson, ...