Acupuncture is very safe when performed by a Licensed Acupuncturist. There is little danger of infection from acupuncture needles because they are sterile, used once, then discarded as biohazardous waste. Do the needles hurt? The sensation caused by an acupuncture needle varies from person to perso...
Is acupuncture effective for PPD?Is ADHD an inherited condition?Is age-associated memory impairment & cognitive decline the same as dementia?Is alcohol allowed on the Mediterranean diet?Is ARFID the same as “picky eating”?Is arnica effective in relieving exercise-induced muscle pain?Is arnica ...
B. Health problems and fasting Thanks to the development in medical science, many new methods of examination and treatment have come into existence. Some of theminvalidatethe fast while others do not. Some basic questions and answers regarding these methods are as follows: 1. Is the fast of a...
I have also discovered other therapies that were also quite useful for me such as Taoist acupuncture, qi gong therapy, release techniques, moderate walking and emotional clearing techniques. You can ask questions about Kundalini Syndrome on the Discussion Board. Click the button on any page that ...
You can also use other forms of therapy such as relaxation techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy, meditation, acupuncture, etc. Will there be any negative after effects from hypnosis? You will be in a relaxed state of consciousness under hypnosis. Some people do end up falling asleep and ...
Sober-living facilities Inpatient treatment programs Phenomenal medical detox protocols Family and group-therapy programs to help mend relationships Alternative treatment plans such as: art therapy, yoga, acupuncture, biofeedback, nutritional, exercise programs, and more A well-trained and dedicated staff ...
In the past, the skeptics considered everything to be parascientific that could not be explained by the available methods of science at the time. In addition to GRANDER water revitalization, this included areas of complementary and alternative medicine and even acupuncture. ...
And so, acupuncture in the West, unfortunately in a way has come to be not the preventative medicine that it could be because we're not taking responsibility enough for ourselves in going along and making sure that we stay well. According to the interview, what is conventional medicine? A....