A response waveform of the object 15 being measured is applied to a Fourier transform means 25 to compute a frequency response function.YAMAGUCHI TAKAHIROKASAHARA TOSHIHARUOZAWA HIROMI
The FRF function is simply the ratio of the system’s output response due to an applied excitation. Engineers use FRFs to measure and characterize a structure’s dynamic behavior. The measurement of Frequency Response Function (FRF) is the basis for the Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA). ...
The frequency response function is theoretically defined already in Ch. 1; however, experimental identification is always contaminated with measurement noise. The noise is present at the input/excitation output/response measurements. This section deals with the measurement and signal processing details, wh...
2. Experimental FRF Measurement Considerations There are several considerations when measuring the Frequency Response Function of a real world structure. 2.1 Measurement Types and Equipment Many types of input excitations and response outputs can be used to calculate an experimental FRF. Some examples: ...
We report time resolved measurement of the nonlinear frequency conversion of a high repetition rate (10 GHz) train of short pulses (up to 4 ps) in a 1.5 mm long Photonic Crystal waveguides. We provide direct evidence of fast response thr... K Lengle,A Akrout,MC E Silva,... - European...
An H-frame structural beam assembly with an end mass attachment is used to investigate the validity of the rigid body frequency response function matrix computational algorithm. The main thrust of the research is a study of the effects of selecting various configurations of reference measurement ...
인용 양식 Siddharth Jawahar (2025). Impedance measurement using frequency response estimation (https://github.com/mathworks/Impedance-measurement-using-frequency-response-estimation), GitHub. 검색 날짜: 2025/3/3. 필수 제품: Simulink Control Design MATLAB 릴리스 호...
Keysight's InfiniiVision1000 X-Series oscilloscopeis the first oscilloscope that can per form frequency response analysis automatically in the frequency-domain, if equipped with the optional function generator (WaveGen). To set up an FRA measurement, first define the following testparametersin the se...
ynchronous Machines Measurement and Estimation of the Multivariable Frequency Response Functions of Synchronous MachinesMeasurement and Estimation of the Multivariable Frequency Response Functions of Synchronous MachinesDedenePintelonLataire
Measurement of frequency response of a piezoelectric transducer using an acoustooptic modulator 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 26 作者:C Man,P Cerez 摘要: The frequency behaviour of piezoelectric transducers is analysed using a phase modulation technique involving an acousto-optic modulator....