A response waveform of the object 15 being measured is applied to a Fourier transform means 25 to compute a frequency response function.YAMAGUCHI TAKAHIROKASAHARA TOSHIHARUOZAWA HIROMI
The measurement of Frequency Response Function (FRF) is the basis for the Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA). Frequency response measurements lead to identifying a higher quality of modal parameters. A good frequency response function should at least: ...
The frequency response function (FRF) is a fundamental property of a linear time-invariant system that describes the system's frequency-dependent behavior. Accurately measuring the FRF of multivariable lightly damped systems in a time-efficient manner is difficult due to spectral leakage and long-last...
The frequency response function is theoretically defined already in Ch. 1; however, experimental identification is always contaminated with measurement noise. The noise is present at the input/excitation output/response measurements. This section deals with the measurement and signal processing details, wh...
There are several considerations when measuring the Frequency Response Function of a real world structure.2.1 Measurement Types and EquipmentMany types of input excitations and response outputs can be used to calculate an experimental FRF. Some examples: Mechanical Systems: Inputs in force (Newtons) ...
SPiiPlusFRFAnalyzer FRF=FrequencyResponseFunction,alsoknownassteadystatetransferfunction.Systembehaviorisevaluatedfromthesteady-stateresponsetoasinusoidalinput.Sinusoidalresponseinmagnitudeandphaseisshownasafunctionofthefrequencyinvariousformats.input System outputGain=U0/UiUot Ui t 3 Copyright2006 SPiiP...
The Frequency Response Function is a measurement of motion per unit area. It is a Complex quantity and importantly has phase. The main point for the FRF is that it is related to the input force that is exciting the structure. The Auto-spectrum Response is a measurement of the motion only...
Measurement Principle and Leakage-Free Operation The frequency response function is defined as the system response divided by the system drive as a function of frequency. If we choose a drive with a flat spectrum inside the frequency band of interest, we can get the frequency response function fr...
An H-frame structural beam assembly with an end mass attachment is used to investigate the validity of the rigid body frequency response function matrix computational algorithm. The main thrust of the research is a study of the effects of selecting various configurations of reference measurement ...
ynchronous Machines Measurement and Estimation of the Multivariable Frequency Response Functions of Synchronous MachinesMeasurement and Estimation of the Multivariable Frequency Response Functions of Synchronous MachinesDedenePintelonLataire