GAMMA raysFREQUENCY spectraMUTAGENESISFRUIT growingMUTAGENSCitrus, one of the most popular fruit crops grown worldwide, has high nutritional, medicinal and commercial value. This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of gamma radiation with various doses, including 0 Gy, 5Gy, 10...
The possibility of intentionally shifting the high-frequency edge of plateau in the noise spectral density of silicon p-n structures to higher frequencies under irradiation with gamma-ray quanta was studied. The largest increase in the extent of the operating-frequency range was observed to amount ...
Terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGFs) are a class of enigmatic electrical discharges in the Earth's atmosphere. In this study, we analyze an unprecedentedly large dataset comprised of 2188 TGFs whose signatures were simultaneously measured using space- and ground-based detectors over a five-year ...
What is gamma ray imaging? What is the highest frequency (shortest wavelength) that could be emitted from a TV tube which has an accelerating voltage of 2,000 volts? What is the nature of this radiation? What is the wavelength of a wave that has a speed of 30 m/s and a frequency of...
AGN astrophysics via multi-frequency monitoring of gamma-ray blazars in the Fermi-GST eraThe F-GAMMA-project is the coordinated effort of several observatories to understand the AGN phenomenon and specifically blazars via multi-frequency monitoring in collaboration with the {\\sl Fermi}-GST satellite...
Durations of gamma-ray bursts (GRB's) are featured by >2s subset and <2s one, with initial corresponding energy ratio being 20:1. It is found that supernova remants(SNR's) turnover frequencies peak at 100 and 500 MHz. After assuming that GRB's originate from hypernova and making an ...
S., 2013, Monitoring of multi-frequency polarization of gamma-ray bright AGN, EPJWC, 6107007Lee, S.-S., et al. 2013, Monitoring of Multi-Frequency Polar- ization of Gamma-ray Bright AGNs, EPJWC, 6107007LLee, S. S., Han, M. H., Kang, S. C., Seen, J. M., Byun, D. Y....
Noun1.alpha rhythm- the normal brainwave in the electroencephalogram of a person who is awake but relaxed; occurs with a frequency of 8-12 hertz alpha wave brain wave,brainwave,cortical potential- (neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of voltage between parts of the cerebral cortex that are detectab...
The other meaningful way to look for axions or dark photons is to investigate anomalous signals in various astrophysical environments, such as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) spectral distortion constraints on dark photons6,53, gamma-ray constraints on axion DM54,55, neutron stars56,57,58,...
We report the detection of very high-energy gamma-ray emission from the intermediate-frequency-peaked BL Lacertae object W Comae (z=0.102) by VERITAS. The source was observed between January and April 2008. A strong outburst of gamma-ray emission was measured in the middle of March, lasting...