Noun1.fundamental frequency- the lowest tone of a harmonic series first harmonic,fundamental harmonic- a tone that is a component of a complex sound Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
The first harmonic of f0, a result of the stepwise frequency tuning of the swept laser source, is clearly observed at around 1 MHz. By applying a set of analog and digital band pass filters around the modulation frequency f0, both higher harmonics and noise are suppressed, while f0 ...
There is no point using more complex tools, since the FT will perform the decomposition of the signal into its harmonic components adequately.5 For sc(t) and sd(t), however, the FT is not adequate, because it assumes the sinusoidal components exist at all t, when, here, in fact the ...
b When prepared in highly polarized (coherent spin) state, the atomic ensemble can be described as two-level system, thus exhibiting the behavior of a harmonic oscillator. Specifically, we can prepare the atomic oscillator with the effective negative mass, creating inverted spin population. c The...
The further filtered response of the PWF including the transmitter and receiver has dampened out the importance of higher frequency content. Responses after the first harmonic are not transferred. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 2.17. PWF function for various data rates....
whereNis number of samples,x(n) = A cos(2πn/N + φ0), (n = 0,1, 2,…,N− 1) are the samples taken uniformly within the length of a rectangular window;kis the order of harmonic; especially ifk = 1, it stands for the phasor of the nominal component....
We derive a simple relationship between the Wigner distribution of the Green's function of the Langevin equation and of the harmonic oscillator. This relationship shows that the Wigner distribution of the Green's function of the harmonic oscillator consists of the sum of two terms obtained by ...
When we make relative measurements on an incoming signal, we use either some part of the same signal or a different signal as a reference. For example, when we make second harmonic distortion measurements, we use the fundamental of the signal as our reference. Absolute values do not come int...
Equating the first two series and ignoring the second derivatives, it is found that (Barnes, 1995) (8.53)Δλ=Δθ(∂Δk/∂θ)(∂Δk/∂λ)−1 This linewidth equation shows a dependence on the beam divergence, which is determined by the geometrical characteristics of the pump beam...
(1.27) for the harmonic response X(ω), the nondimensional frequency response function (FRF) can be defined as (1.32)H0(ω)=X(ω)X0=k−ω2m+iωc+k=11−r2+i2ζr, where r=ω/ω0. The relation between both types of FRF is (1.33)α(ω)=H0(ω)k. With the FRF, the ...