The frequency can be defined as a quantity that measures the pulsations or repetitions of a phenomenon per unit of time. On the other hand, its inverse, the period represents how long this repetitive event lasts. In the international system, it is measured in Hertz and would represent the ...
3. (Mathematics) physics the number of times that a periodic function or vibration repeats itself in a specified time, often 1 second. It is usually measured in hertz. Symbol: ν or f 4. (Statistics) statistics a. the number of individuals in a class (absolute frequency) b. the rati...
The velocity of the sound wave can be calculated as the product of the wavelength of the sound wave and the frequency of the sound wave. The velocity of the sound wave is measured in meters per second. Answer and Explanation: The ve...
This shift inthefrequencyofresonanceismeasuredbyalaser, focused on the tip of the cantilever, which is then transmitted [...] 共振频率的这一变化由位于悬臂端部的激光器测量,然后传送至独立的光电二极管检测器。 ...
A monochromatic light beam of frequency 6.0×1014Hz crosses from air into a transparent material where its wavelength is measured to be 300nm. What is the index of refraction of the material? View Solution The frequency of a light wave in a material is 2×1014Hz and wavelength is 5000∘...
Timbre, quality of auditory sensations produced by the tone of a sound wave. The timbre of a sound depends on its wave form, which varies with the number of overtones, or harmonics, that are present, their frequencies, and their relative intensities. The
The bandwidth of an amplifier is measured between the two half-power points. If the frequency response of an amplifier extends to include 0 (i.e., DC), then the bandwidth of the amplifier is the same as the upper cutoff frequency. This is the case for the amplifier represented in Figure...
Resonance, in physics, relatively large selective response of an object or a system that vibrates in step or phase, with an externally applied oscillatory force. Resonance was first investigated in acoustical systems such as musical instruments and the h
Radio frequency is measured in units calledhertz(Hz), which represent the number of cycles per second when a radio wave is transmitted. One hertz equals one cycle per second; radio waves range from thousands (kilohertz) to millions (megahertz) to billions (gigahertz) of cycles per second. In...
The wavelength of a wave is measured by the distance between two successive identical parts of a wave. We often choose to measure wavelength using peaks and crests as they are easiest to see.Answer and Explanation: When we are given the frequency of radiation, we can calcu...