Cumulative frequency GCSE questions1. The cumulative frequency graph below gives information about the height distribution of a sample of 100100100 students, correct to the nearest The shortest child is 134cm.134cm.134cm. The tallest child is 185cm.185cm.185cm. Draw a box plot on...
Cumulative Frequency GCSE Maths revision section of Revision Maths, looking at graphs and curves, median value, frequency tables and quartiles. Contains a video explaining cumulative frequency graphs and curves.
Transport Frequency Transport Frequency Transport Frequency Calculate the angles needed to draw a pie chart to represent each set of data: 4. 7. Transport Frequency Car 12 Walk 9 Cycle 6 Bus 27 Transport Frequency Car 360 Walk 180 Cycle Bus 540 1. Transport Frequency Car 4 Walk 5 Bus 9 5...
LlLao,twemd-nobodyiusetlhamteeuAdltOib-fyMretq,hufeoernAmcyOslMaths,eerfsoigrgmennaselrtalhitgieohnstisgcyonsmatelmplio.gnhetnctoomf tphoenferneqt uoefntchye (ffr1e).qTuheencfyre(qfu1e).ncTyhde iffrfeeqreunecnecΔyfd=ifff0e−refn1 bceet∆wfee=nft0h−e Ef 1FLbeatnwdeUenCtLh...