Dr. Barrington-Trimis coordinated and supervised data collection, contributed to data interpretation, and reviewed and revised the manuscript. All authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. Corresponding author Correspondence to Alyssa F....
The proposed dimension of “significance” takes a different view, emphasizing the subjective nature of the social construction of corruption, and making its evaluation inherently contingent on the target group’s interpretation. For instance, when examining the negative impact on social trust, the “...
Based on the table of interpretation of r value, the result of r calculated (-.220). This value shows that there is a negative correlation. From the significance (2 tailed), researcher get the score .301. It means r>0.05 which showed Ho cannot be rejected. The result explained that ...
We measured ruminative responses using the Ruminative Response Scale. This self-report questionnaire assesses ruminative processes as a trait using a total of 22 items which are rated on a 4-point Likert scale from "hardly ever" to "almost always". Two subscales can be distinguished, brooding a...
Work importance besides value as economic income was reported on a Likert-type scale (1–5) where 1 = very high importance and 5 = no importance. Self-rated work ability was measured by work ability index (WAI) single item question concerning current work ability compared with the lifetime ...
The financial sponsors will play no role in the design, execution, analysis and interpretation of data, or writing of the study. Availability of data and materials The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are not publicly available because the protocol has not been completed at...
The time of the first and last eating occasions as reported for each day were converted to continuous variables minutes from midnight and then the mean over the 7 days was used in the regression analyses and then back transformed to clock time to facilitate interpretation. The duration of the ...
The body self is a tridimensional structure composed of (1) functions (the perception, interpretation and regula- tion of bodily experiences), (2) sense of physical iden- tity and (3) representations (e.g. the body image [14, 15]). Thus, the body self is a...
On the basis of the present results and our interpretation of them thus far, it might be tempting to conclude that AoLE does not affect the lexical processing of signs. However, such a conclusion would be premature. Although the subjec- tive frequency ratings from the different AoLE groups ...
Detailed interpretation of Table 2A We explain here the meaning of some of the parameters in more detail and provide examples by reference to Table 2A. Constant describes the odds OCN(P0) = p(Constant)/p(Never) of having constant tinnitus for a baseline participant P0 (age = 37.7, music...