cppcudacuda-kernelsword-frequency-countword-frequencycuda-programming UpdatedJul 2, 2023 Cuda A Real estate search engine, Fall 2022 ACC Final Project javasortingscrapingcrawlingjsouphash-tableword-frequency-count UpdatedNov 30, 2022 HTML A simple app capable of analysing any text, returning the words...
Kmer Research in Python and R machine-learning bioinformatics kmer-frequency-count Updated Mar 22, 2019 R alexpreynolds / kmer-counter-ska Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests Count canonical kmers with Malte Skarupke's bytell_hash_map hash table bioinformatics cpp kmer hash-tables kmer-fre...
}else{// invariant:// neither bp0 nor bp1 is null/// modify frequecies to match phases as nearly as possibledoubleerr = wrapPi( bp1.phase() - ( bp0.phase() + travel ) );// The most common kinds of errors are local (or burst) errors in//frequencyand phase. These errors are ...
iqDataInQueue->pop(data_in);// std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lock(data_in->m_mutex);busy_demod.lock();if(data_in && data_in->data.size()) {if(data_in->numChannels >1) { runPFBCH(data_in); }else{ runSingleCH(data_in); } } data_in->decRefCount();booldoUpdate =false...
Both YouTube in Chrome and MPC-HC with both video and audio in formats FLAC, mp3 and ogg. Another condition is that there must be no windowed overlays on top of games. Embedded one don't count (like RTSS). For example What'sApp audio call make issue completely disappear...
QueryPerformanceFrequency()和QueryPerformanceCounter(),要求计算机从硬件上支持高精度定时器。 函数的原形是: BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency(LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency); BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter (LARGE_INTEGER *lpCount); 数据类型LARGEINTEGER既可以是一个作为8字节长的整数,也可以是作为两个4字节长的整数的联合...
How can I integrate ledc_intr_type_t with the code attached in my last post? So that it only update pwm frequency when LEDC Counter reaches max count, LEDC_INTR_MAX?rowifi Posts: 3 Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:42 pm Re: Change LEDC frequency and pwm on the fly without glitches by...
Under the network-based control framework, the sampled measurements are transmitted through the communication networks, which may be attacked by energy-limited denial-of-service (DoS) attacks with a characterization of the maximum count of continuous data losses (resilience index). Each area is ...
0034 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array 在排序数组中查找元素的第一个和最后一个位置 README C++ 0036 Valid Sudoku 有效的数独 README C++ 0038 Count and Say 外观数列 README C++ 0039 Combination Sum 组合总和 README C++ 0041 First Missing Positive 缺失的第一个正数 README C+...
0024-Swap-Nodes-in-Pairs 0025-Reverse-Nodes-in-k-Group 0026-Remove-Duplicates-from-Sorted-Array 0027-Remove-Element 0028-Implement-strStr 0033-Search-in-Rotated-Sorted-Array 0034-Search-for-a-Range 0036-Valid-Sudoku 0037-Sudoku-Solver 0038-Count-and-Say 0039-Combination-Sum 0040-Combination-Sum...