Voiceprint points to a frequency chart of taking the speech information by the show of an electric voice instrument. 声纹是指用电声学仪器显示的携带言语信息的声波频谱。 www.fabiao.net 2. Finally, adopt frequency chart method to plot the grade of comprehensive evaluation, and show the result by...
chart n. 1.[C]图标 2.[C]海图 3.[pl.]【英】每周流行唱片排行榜 v.[T] 1.记录,跟踪(进展或发展) 2.计划行动步骤 3.绘制区域地图 frequency n. 1.[C,U]发生率,出现率,重复率 2.[U]频繁 3.[C,U]频率 Chart. 【医】 纸剂, 药纸 chart based 【经】 受技术图形影响的 strip chart...
frequency chart 英文frequency chart 中文【经】 频数(分布)图表
我们常用的统计分布图形有直方图(Histogram),趋势图(Trend Chart),箱图(Box Plot),Probability Chart (Cumulative Frequency Chart)。这些图形都是用来显示数据的统计分布的,其中直方图是最简单的;趋势图主要是用来显示数据随着事件的变化;箱图是在另一个维度的分布,同时加入了置信区间等信息;最近接触了Probability Chart...
frequency chart 频率图,频数图 relative cumulative frequency curve 相对累积频率曲线 cumulative frequency distribution 累积频数分布,累积频数分配 cumulative relative frequency 【计】 累积相对频率 cumulative frequency function 累积频率函数 cumulative frequency diagram 累积频数图 cumulative frequency polygon ...
Make a Frequency Chart: Overview If you are asked to determine afrequency in statistics, it doesn’t just mean that you should just count out the number of times something happens. It usually involves you having to make a frequency chart to display a list of frequ...
Frequency Chart I have a column of data that I want to either make a chart or table of the frequency of the items in the column. For example, if the column of numbers is: 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 I want a table that reads:
However, a frequency chart allows you to make sure that you have big enough plates for everyone. That way, your college-football-playing cousin gets a big enough plate for his 8 pieces, while your baby cousin has a small enough plate for her 1 piece. Also, frequency charts allow us ...
SENNHEISER森海塞尔话筒剧院EM3732-II频率表FrequencyChartsforRadioMicrophones用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 Back to www.sennheiser.co.uk Comparative Frequency Charts for Radio Microphones Click on any of the ranges in the chart below to view frequencies Back to www.sennheiser.co.uk Radio ...
For the purpose, setting pitch P of the lattice to a value 2<1/2> times as much as pitch Ps makes it possible to measure MTF of the space frequency of pitch Ps in both directions A and B.YOKOTA TAKASHI