In using frequency bands for radio services, member States shall bear in mind that radio frequencies and any associated [...] 成员国使用频带提供无线电 服务时,应当铭记, 无 线电 频率 及任 何相 关轨道,包括地球静止卫星轨道,均属于有限的自然资源;必须根据《无 线电条例》...
betweenXandSbands;weather X8–12GHz2.5–3.75cm Missileguidance,marineradar,weather, medium-resolutionmappingandground surveillance;intheUSAthenarrowrange 10.525GHz±25MHzisusedforairportradar. NamedXbandbecausethefrequencywasasecret duringWW2. Ku12–18GHz1.67–2.5cmhigh-resolution ...
The OC has three inductive resistors (Lp1-Lp3) and two capacitors (Cs1,Cs2) to correspond to a pi-type high-pass filter. The capacitors merge on the earthing side and each interconnect on the HFFP side.doi:EP1396905 A1PAN SHENG-GEN DR.EP...
An antenna exciter for two different frequency bands which consists of two polarization switches (3, 4) arranged axially one behind the other and of a feed horn (5). The polarization switches (3, 4) are circular tubes of different inside diameters, the diameters being the same over the enti...
not available for EP0944930of corresponding document: US5909196 A quadrifilar helix antenna system capable of providing a positive gain, quasi-hemispherical antenna pattern over widely separate transmit and receive frequency bands. This new antenna system comprises concentrically arranged, but electrically ...
The U.S. Department of Defense (USDOD) originally put the satellites into orbit for military use, but they were made available for civilian use in the 1980s. GPS Technology operates in the following frequency bands: GPS L1 Band: 1575.42 MHz with a bandwidth of 15.345 MHz GPS L2 Band: ...
The invention relates to a TDMA cellular radio system, and a method of allocating available frequency bands to different cells in a TDMA cellular radio system wherein at least some of the receivers within the system employ interference cancellation methods for cancelling the effects of co-channel ...
Strong vibrational coupling is operative in the case of the nitrogen containing thiocarbonyl derivatives and three bands seem to consistently appear in the regions 1395–1570 cm−1, 1260–1420 cm−1, 940–1140 cm−1 due to the mixed vibrations. These bands, which may be tentatively ...
Radio frequency bands spread in the range between 30 kHz and 300 GHz. Numerous applications exist for this diapason of electromagnetic spectrum.
The invention relates to an antenna which can be operated in several frequency bands. The inventive antenna has at least one part (1) that encloses an area and at least one part (2) that does not enclose an area. The at least two parts (1, 2) consist of a single conductor part and...