The European HiperLAN standard operates in samefrequency bandas the U-NII.───欧洲超级无线局域网的标准工作频率与 U-NII 相同。 We can't hear any program when we turn our radio onto thisfrequency band.───当收音机调到这个频段上时,什么节目也收听不到. ...
Spread spectrum,frequency-hopped,whichgeneratesmanycodesoverawidefrequencyband. 它在很宽的频带上产生许多代码。 8. Inhigh-frequencyband,theworkingparametersofthebridgebytheimpactofplasmadensityimpactzoneof theradiationsignal. 在高频段,工作参数是通过影响桥区的等离子体密度影响辐射信号的; ...
美 英 na.【无线】频带 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 【无线】频带,波段
international control frequency band 国际管理频带 signal frequency side band 信号边频带 相似单词 band n. [C] 1.带,细绳;箍 2.橡皮圈,松紧带 3.【机】传送带,传动带 4.(无线电的)波段,频带 5.条纹;嵌条 v. [T] 1.用带捆;为...装箍 2.用条纹装饰 frequency n. 1.[C,U]发生率,出现率...
5G频谱分为两个区域FR1和FR2,FR就是Frequency Range的意思,即频率范围,也可以叫做频谱。 Sub6G:FR1的频率范围是450MHz到6GHz,也叫Sub6G(低于6 GHz)。 毫米波:FR2的频率范围是24GHz到52GHz,这段频谱的电磁波波长大部分都是毫米级别的,因此也叫毫米波mmWave(严格来说大于30GHz才叫毫米波)。(1Ghz: 3x10^8/...
Frequency Band Division Frequency Range(频率范围) 3~30 Hz 30~300 Hz 300~3000 Hz 3~30 kHz 30~300 kHz 300~3000kHz Designation(名称) ELF(极低频) SLF(超低频) ULF(特低频) VLF(甚低频) LF(低频) MF(中频) Typical Application(典型应用) Long-distance navigation(远程导航); underwater ...
According to the Administration, part of the vacated frequency band can be re-planned to meet the growing demand for mobile communications services, for example 3G or 4G services. 據政府當局所述,部分騰出的頻帶可重新編配,用以 應付社會對流動通訊服務日益增長的需求,例如第三代(3G)...
mm wave(millimeter wave) frequency BandFrequency Range(GHz) Q band30 to 50 GHz U band40 to 60 GHz V band50 to 75 GHz E band60 to 90 GHz W band75 to 110 GHz F band90 to 140 GHz D band110 to 170 GHz G band110 to 300 GHz ...
频点,载频、载波,频段这些概念(Frequency point, carrier frequency, carrier frequency, frequency band these concepts) The base stations, sectors, cells are related to each other; frequency, carrier frequency, carrier frequency, frequency band these concepts? - Technology Forum - Communication Forum home ...
4) frequency range 频率范围,频带,波段5) satellite band 卫星频带<波段>6) broadband [英]['brɔ:d'bænd] [美]['brɔd'bænd] 宽频带;宽波段补充资料:频带 1.在电磁波或声波波谱中的一段波长范围。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。