New fridge-freezer models don't use freon as a coolant, but older refrigerators often do. If you noticed that your refrigerator is leaking freon, don't be alarmed. Although freon is very damaging to the environment, it's not harmful to your well-being. While keeping up with home appliance...
or PR intervals in a group of 16 aerospace workers with high and low exposures. Edling and coworkers23studied 89 refrigerator repairmen and concluded that CFCs do not induce arrhythmias in exposed workers. However, the frequency of arrhythmia was high in these men regardless of exposure. No cle...
Air conditioners don't have the exterior housing a refrigerator relies on to insulate its cold box. Instead, the walls in your home keep cold air in and hot air out. Let's move on to the next page where we'll discover what happens to all that hot air when you use your air ...
If you’re trying to figure out how to rechange a window AC unit, you probably have an even bigger problem to worry about:Aleakin the refrigerator lines. Leaking window AC results in depletion of Freon and theneed to replace the Freonmanually. However, before recharging the AC, we need to...
Freon and Your Health in the Home< Freon Exposure and Your Health Have you recently found out that your refrigerator or air conditioner has been leaking freon and you are concerned about the effect on your health? "Freon" is not exact a chemical. "Freon" is actually a trade name that...