One of the old-time sweet-smelling flower names, has had a remarkable revival in France as well. Regarded as the queen of all flowers,Rosepacks a lot of personality and impact into that one syllable. Often used as a middle name, Scarlett Johansson chose it for her daughter’s first name...
Flower-Related Words (Already a member?Click here.) You might also like: Learn About Flowers: FlowersFlower Anatomy PrintoutLabel Flower Anatomy PrintoutFlowering Plant Life Cycle Sequencing CardsLabel Flowering Plant Anatomy GlossaryToday's featured page:Venus - Planet Info...
Track your progress, collect flowers for every correct answer and subscribe for free. Unlock new levels of words and phrases, explore new features and learn French every day. Make your learning even more interesting. 30 easy games Play a wide variety of fun and easy games to learn French. ...
...the ones I was debating whether or not to buy. I liked the idea they were ediblepluspretty to look at. I had recently bought a pack of blue starflowers, orbourrache, for that very reason. Come to think of itI had recently bought quite a few packets of flowers, so maybe I'd b...
---All 6,000 words can be unlocked for FREE (by earning flowers)!--- FunEasyLearn is the easiest and most fun way to learn French language. With our app, you a…
Learn French - 11,000 Words Shital Gorasiya Designed for iPad ¥38.00 Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Whether you're a beginner or simply love learning languages, this French learning app is perfect for you. French is the official language in 29 countries, making it a valuable skill for ...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.French vermouth- dry pale amber variety dry vermouth vermouth- any of several white wines flavored with aromatic herbs; used as aperitifs or in mixed drinks Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Pr...
Bird Words ANGLAIS Français BILL le billet BIRD l'oiseau le merle la cage DUCK le canard l'aigle l'oeuf EMU l'émeu FEATHER la plume le kiwi le nid l'autruche le perroquet PEACOCK le paon le pingouin PET l'animal familier le pigeon...
Learning beautiful French words will not only make you fall in love with the language even more, but also impress native speakers! From "bisous" (kisses) to "plein de vie" (full of life), we've covered it all. Click here to see 144 beautiful French words
The flowers are pretty. - They are pretty.See also "C'est" vs "Il/Elle est" to say it is/she is/he is in FrenchGrammar note: Pronouns are general words that replace specific nouns in sentences. A verb has a subject (the person or thing doing the verb), and may have an object ...