En ville, Il y a 12 — 15 ans, dans la grand-rue vivait dans son hôtel particulier le fonctionnaire Gromov : un homme solide et aisé. French word "男人"(homme) occurs in sets:Lors d'une promenade (vocabulaire) - 散步 (词汇)other words beginning with "男" 男孩in French男朋友...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. French Indochina- the French colonies of the territory now occupied by Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam Indochina,Indochinese peninsula- a peninsula of southeastern Asia that includes Myanmar and Cambodia and Laos and Malaysia and...
Today, it is considered that there are around 45% of words in English that originate from the French language. French words in English with the same meaning As you can see, these events in history are the reason French words are used in English today. There are, of course, other language...
other words beginning with "个" 个性in French 个人in other dictionaries 个人in Arabic个人in Czech个人in German个人in English个人in Spanish个人in Hindi个人in Indonesian个人in Italian个人Georgian个人in Lithuanian个人in Dutch个人in Norwegian个人in Polish个人in Portuguese个人in Romanian个人in Russian个人in Sl...
Interesting. While technically French was my first foreign language, I hadn’t studied it until last year, though I had been in touch with it since I was a kid (both my parents had studied French language in college). When it comes to language learning, though, my first love was and ...
Inf.Excuse my use of swear words or taboo words. (Does not refer to real French.)Pardon my French, but this is a hell of a day. What she needs is a kick in the ass, if you'll excuse my French. See also:french,pardon McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. ...
In fact, when I pronounce French words like“rendez-vous”or“genre”with my French accent, my American friends don’t understand. So I change my accent to American, and all is well! If you already know theseFrench words used in everyday English, you can work on your pronunciation to im...
Radio Omniglot podcasts are brought to you in association withBlubrry Podcast Hosting, a great place to host your podcasts. Get your first month free with the promo codeomniglot. I also write about words, etymology and other language-related topics on theOmniglot Blog, and I explore etymological...
French phonology is characterized by great changes in the sounds of words as compared with their Latin parent forms as well as cognates in the other Romance languages. For example, Latin secūrum‘sure, secure’ became Spanish seguro but French sûr; Latin vōcem‘voice’ became Spanish voz bu...
Before we proceed to the meat of the lesson, here's an important tip I would like to share with you. Quick tip Don't be too hard on yourself when you can't fully grasp the pronunciation rules after a few hours of practice. It takes time to learn how to pronounce French words proper...