In French, we don’t say “une porte française”. So, if you used that word, French people would have no idea what you mean by that. The French name for it is descriptive:une porte-fenêtre.Une porteisa doorandune fenêtreisa window. ...
Metrics for Evaluating Database Selection Techniques In addition we develop the theory behind a "random" database selection algorithm and show how it can be used to help analyze the behavior of realistic... JC French,AL Powell - International Workshop on Database & Expert Systems Applications 被...
Incorporating language constraints in sub-word based speech recognition In large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) for agglutinative and inflectional languages, we encounter problems due to theoretically infinite... Erdoǧan, Hakan,Büyük, Osman,Kemal Oflazer - IEEE Workshop on Automatic...
In this episode, we discover the Celtic roots of words forgarterin English and French. The English wordgarterrefers to a band around the leg to hold up a sock or stocking. It comes from Old Northern Frenchgartier(garter), from Old Frenchgaret(knee, leg), from Vulgar Latin*garra(shank,...
Interestingly, the second meaning is similar to another word forexpensivein English, but not in French. It meansdear. In English, we might interchangeably use the wordsexpensiveanddear: These shoes are far toodearfor my budget. These shoes are far tooexpensivefor my budget. ...
The French word renaissance means rebirth. It was first used in 1855 by the historian Jules Michelet in his History of France, and then adopted by historians of culture, by art historians, and eventually by music historians, all of whom applied it to European culture during the 150 years spa...
I bought a book “teach yourself” series once before. I think should learn with audio when it comes to a new language that is not used to hear yet. I mean, the most effective porocess of learning a new language is listening, but more idealy saying, to follow each word at the same...
If gestures aid bilinguals in information packaging and/or lexical access, bilinguals should tell shorter stories with fewer word types than monolinguals when their gestures are restricted. In fact, we found that gesture restriction affected bilinguals' stories only in French, the language in which ...
Congratulations on adding yet another new word and translation to your vocabulary. Whether you’re a casual learner, or you’re reallyliving forlearning French, we hope you find our blogs helpful! Written byHolly Tarbet, freelance copywriter and editor. ...
新内容 版本记录 版本1.8.1 Thank you for your support. We made some improvements on our application to help you learn French and Portuguese. - Example sentences for every word. - New improved word list. - BugfixesApp 隐私 查看详情 开发者“Oguz Kaytanci”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能...