Thursday, October 24, 2024 Colorful buildings along the port of Cassis. Also, below, in the first six lines below, I am trying a new format for the word of the day. How do you like it? Do you have other suggestions for this weekly journal. Thanks for letting me know in thecomments ...
Thursday, October 24, 2013 commander to order N’oubliez pas de commander à temps pour Noël. Don’t forget to order in time for Christmas. TODAY Our word is aboutonline shopping. Now that you can sayto orderin French, follow the links below to discover more words about online shopping...
Synonyms for Frenchwoman nouna person of French nationality Synonyms French person Frenchman Related Words France French Republic European Gaul frog Parisian Breton Savoyard Angevin Angevine Norman Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
). I waited at the curb for my son to pick me up, growing slightly aggravated when Max was twenty minutes late. But the blue sky, the sun's warm rays, and all the interesting people walking by made
TODAY'S WORD: la coqueluche : heart-throb, pin-up, idol : whooping cough A DAY IN A FRENCH LIFEbyKristi Espinasse "Mom, do you know the BeeGees?" My daughter called out as I was emptyingle lave-vaisselle. Jackie's statement was more of a memory jog than a question, for who doesn...
jeudi> Thursday vendredi> Friday samedi> Saturday dimanche> Sunday The Definite Article 'Le' When you are discussing days of the week, use the definite articlelebefore each name, when you are talking about something that happens repeatedly on a certain day. To make each day plural, add ans....
Thursday, April 08, 2021 If today's word is too easy for you,détrompez-vous.Think again. This letter has a lot more to offer when you read to the end. Today's Word: la plage 1. beach 2. track of music 3. time span, range ...
4.Jeudi— Thursday Jeudiis once again named for a Roman god, this time Jupiter. In English, Thursday is named after Thor. Another easy way to rememberjeudiis to know the wordjeux(play). Until 1972 in France, primary school students didn’t go to school on Thursdays. It was used as a...
The founding of the Institut de France was the beginning of a new era in the life of the country. To bear the title of member of the Institut de France is as great an honor for foreign scholars as it is for French. Among its members at various times the institute has counted A. Amp...
Cease-fire talks concluded without progress Thursday. English word "jeudi"(Thursday) occurs in sets: Unites 1 - 2 | Days of the week / Months of the year La semaine, les mois et les saisons days of the week in French - les jours de la semai... ...