On prend souvent l’indolence pour la patience—Indolence is often taken for patience. On se heurte tonjours où l’on a mal—One always knocks himself on the spot where the sore is. Otez un vilain du gibet, il vous y mettra—Save a thief from the gallows, and he will cut your th...
Le Petit Larron -- The Little Thief. larron (lah rohn) noun, masculine : thief l'occasion fait le larron= opportunity makes a thief Le larrondoes not seem to be used in conversational French (my daughter taught me the word after she learned it in her French class while reading a classic...
French word "stir"(remuer) occurs in sets: Fiches du livre - "A Butterfly Chase" (P. J. Stahl) Fiches du livre - "The ABC of Cooking" (Adelin Bal... Fiches du livre - "Camp Cookery How to Live in Cam... Fiches du livre - "The Autobiography of a Thief" (... ...
How to say thief in French How do you say the French word for bloom? How do you say the French word for caring? How to say luck in French How to say jelly in French How do you say wanted in French? How do you say expensive in French?
French company Netatmo has made a smart home camera, It can recognize the faces of family members and send special messages through the Internet to owners if a stranger has entered their home. The face-recognition camer a has helped at least one man catch a thief.Not only can the smart ca...
How do you say the French word for forget? How to say thief in French How do you say get up in French? How do you say I am leaving in Spanish? How do you say laid off in French? How to say no way in French How do you say would you like to eat in French?
The policeman is questioning the thief警察在审问那个小偷。 4)fail v.未及格,失败;n.失败 ① v.失败;及格 He failed his French paper because it was too difficult.因为法语考试太难了,他失败了。 ② v.(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢 The flowers failed for lack of sunshine.花因缺少阳光而凋谢。 ③ v...
crois-en mon expérience take my word for it II.croire à VB trans obj indir 1. croire à (admettre comme vrai): croireà histoire, mensonge to believe croireà fantômes, esprits to believe in je n'ai pas cruà ton histoire I didn't believe your story personne n'a cru au ...
Thepolicemanisquestioningthethief警察在审问那个小偷。 4)failv.未及格,失败;n.失败 ①v.失败;及格 HefailedhisFrenchpaperbecauseitwastoodifficult.因为法语考试太难了,他失败了。 ②v.(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢 Theflowersfailedforlackofsunshine.花因缺少阳光而凋谢。
matchitem,word:definition,description correspondreà hisjobideallymatcheshisinterests sontravailcorrespondparfaitementàsesgoûts herdescriptioncloselyfitsthatofthethief sadescriptioncorrespondparfaitementàcelleduvoleur correspondin the PONS Dictionary Translations forcorrespondin the French»English Dictionary (Go to...