SOCCER BALL le ballon de football SPORTS les sports SWIM nager TEE le tee TENNIS le tennis TENNIS RACKET la raquette THROW jeter UNIFORM l'uniforme Little Explorers English-French Picture Dictionary ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Adjectives Animals ...
Elevate your brand with - the perfect domain for sports businesses looking to capture the essence of the game. Tags:french,football,frenchfootball,2 word domain,western premium domain,hoof,pad,paw,rugby,soccer,blow,brush,butterfly,glance,graze,greet,lip,mush,neck,osculate ...
You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. For example, if you tap on the word"crois,"you'll see this: Practice and reinforce all the vocabulary you've learned in a given video w...
ratésin the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary Translations forratésin the French»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»French) Show summary of all matches I.raté(ratée)[ʀate]VBpp raté→ rater II.raté(ratée)[ʀate]ADJ 1. raté(pas réussi): ...
dive n (soccer, football: faked fall) (Football : fausse chute) plongeon nm The player's dive earned him a yellow card from the referee. dive vi informal, figurative (stocks, price: go down) (figuré) chuter⇒, plonger⇒ vi Share prices in the company are diving after the CEO's ...
Well there’s your 25 words. What’s that, you want a bonus word? Oh why the heck not, I’ll treat you guys to a26th word: OH BONNE MÈRE This is how the typicalMarseillaisexpresses «oh mon dieu». You’ll encounter this word during a football (soccer) match when those poor...
soccerAm mot-clé<mots-clés>[mokle]Nm mot-clé keyword pot[po]Nm 1. pot: pot(enterre,enplastique) pot pot(enverre) jar pot(enmétal) tin potàeau/àlait water/milkjug potdeconfiture/miel jarofjam/honey petitpotpourbébé jarofbabyfood ...
1660年英国王政复辟,社会同气靡丽,王室贵族崇尚法国文化,以说法语为时髦风雅,大批法语词被吸收进英语,大多涉及军事、商业、艺术、饮食等,反映出统治阶级的生活方式,十九世纪是继中古英语时期之后法语词进入英语数量最多的年代,尤以文学艺术、外交、饮食方面的词汇为多 In the modern English time, the law word ...
Remember the first word is the masculine and the second is the feminine. The addition of an e for the feminine form allows the last consonant to be voiced. These adjectives go after the noun. Normally, the verb rendre means to give something that you owe to someone, such as On rend ...
(I don’t give a fuck about your football/soccer game!). S’en foutre (de) –don’t give a fuck. This is a very, very common expression. You can use it with or without de, which means “about” in this context. Here are two examples: Je m’en fous. –I don’t give a fuc...