What is the French word for shower?Using the Word Shower in French:Are you planning to travel to a French-speaking country? Maybe you will stay in a hotel or rent a small house. You will probably want to ask about the amenities - the number of beds, the kitchen and so on. So, ...
What is the French word for grass? How do you say the French words for glass of wine? How do you say bag in French? How do you say the French word for beer? How do you say the French word for cake? What is the French word for shower?
Please excuse my language. In the days when language propriety was more of an issue than it is now, using a word or phrase that was “unfit for mixed company” was likely to lead to embarrassment. Since French was considered a racy language, people excused themselves with “pardon my Frenc...
Watching Mom grow more and more tired by the day, and after the disheartening news from insurance, I could not wait one more minute for word from insurance confirming her coverage. I called my sister Heidi and it was easily decided: Mom would go into the hospital on Monday! We would stic...
shower l'averse storm la tempête to melt fondre to shine briller to thunder tonner changeable variable cloudy nuageux cool frais damp humide rainy pluvieux aperitif l'apéritif blackberry la mûre ice cube le glaçon lamb l'agneau meat la viande raspberry la framboise redcurrant la groseille ...
The word for make or do in French is the French verb FAIRE. The best way to learn ALL the conjugations is with out colour-coded verb table. This way you can even learn the so-called 'hard' tenses too.
The French word for weather is “le temps“. Simple enough. By the way, the French word for weather forecast is “la météo“. However, unfortunately, translating word by word from English is not likely to work most of the time. ...
French toiletsvary across the entire spectrum of plumbing, from basicpissoirsto the first automated public toilets. In low-cost French hotels, the toilet is likely to be down the hall and shared with the other rooms on the floor. The shower is also shared, and it may be on a different ...
Our stay atHôtel le Versaillesbegan with a birdbath (for me) at the sink after our room’s shower was too complicated to operate,in spite of the hotel’s laminated diagram(a clue we weren’t the only befuddled bathers). Next, it was the light switches,les interupteurs, which didn’...
toshower II.déverser[devɛʀse]VBrefl View verb table sedéverserdansunerivière topourintoariver Translations fordéverserin the English»French Dictionary (Go toFrench»English) Show summary of all matches Your search term in other parts of the dictionary ...