While it may sound odd to English speakers, the general term for seafood isfruits de mer(froo-ee duh mehr), which translates literally as ''fruits of the sea.'' The word for fish ispoisson(pwah-sohn). Read on to learn more about specific words and phrases that you can use to talk...
"Buffet" is a French word for a sideboard—a cupboard in a dining room for putting food on b 2 is served. Later people used the word for a new kind of food service: people take food for themselves on different dishes on sideboards; soups, salads, seafood and other dishes that are ...
It’s not uncommon for seafood restaurants to serve whole fish, and you have to know how to separate the flesh (la chair) from the skin (la peau) and bones (les arrêtes –f). Same goes for crustaceans and seashells. A fancy / gourmet restaurant however would serve all of these ...
seafood 3. fruit(résultat): fruitdel'expérience,delaréflexion,d'uneffort fruits fruitd'uneunion,del'amour fruit êtrelefruitduhasard tocomeaboutbychance lefruitd'uneimaginationdélirante thechildofafeveredimagination portersesfruits tobearfruit ...
The international flavours ranged from the Italian specialities of oil, cheese and tomatoes to the amazing range of seafood from the Ear East, the ever popular area featuring (and sampling) alcoholic drinks and the colourful displays of the familiar and exotic fruit and vegetable producers. Then ...
It is also perfect to “flambé” seafood. You can find it almost anywhere in the world. This week at the Farmers’ Market I realized it’d been a very long time since I had taken you with me to the market. It is always a wonderful place to visit and meet people. I particularly...
La poissonnerie = shop for fish Le poissonnier, la poissonnière Les fruits de mer = “sea fruits” = seafood La fromagerie = cheese shop Le fromager, la fromagère La boucherie = butcher shop Le boucher, la bouchère La charcuterie = deli (pork meat, prepared meat) Le charcutier, la...
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Mon livre de mots en français(My Word Book)A word book in which the student writes words in French and illustrates them. This printable book can be used to make a book of the words a student knows, a picture dictionary, or a theme book (on, for example, animals, household items,...
Forget grab-and-go; meals in France are a serious affair and can last for hours. From Paris’ married sandwiches (croques madame et monsieur), to the seafood stews and ratatouille of the Côte d’Azur, to boozy breakfasts served in the early morning in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, it’...